

My Alaskin adventure has begun.....

 My trek from Tampa to the Orlando a/p had me standing at the concourse windows looking at my plane while they were getting it ready for the flight to Seattle.  After 6 1/2 hrs I then boarded another 2 1/2 hr flight to Juneau.
I logged in about 9 1/2 hrs flying time.   Happy to say it was a very uneventful event and smooth sailing thanks to the many fine folks of Alaska Airlines.
Once I settled in for the flights my hopes were to get some great shots from the cabin window but no such luck.. there were just too many clouds out there and seeing below at such an altitude was not to be.
I arrived in Juneau around noon (their time) and once at my kids home I stepped out on their front deck to see the view... but there was no mountain. "It's there", they said. Give it a few hours and you'll see.
Yep, they were right.  Over the course of the day the many faces of this mountain changed.  The cloud cover gave it a different look with each passing hour.  
The sun, well that is something not seen too often here.  Rain, cloudy and damp is the norm.
Throughout the day I stepped out the front door and took a photo about every two hours.  
Quite a view to have each day, don't you think?   
I'm so happy to be here with my Son and his family.  Seeing my grand daughter again is very special.  The distance keeps us apart and she is now 15 and such a young lady... I'm saddened by missing so much of her life  but we hope to do a few quality things together in the next few weeks... She is such a beautiful young woman and makes me smile.
This is Eve and her mom, my DIL Michelle... they both made fun of me showing up with my flowing, flat ironed hair... it's a Florida thing mind you.  They told me no need for a hair dryer or such things.  They live in benies, hats, jackets and boots because of the damp weather.  Ok, I give up on hair. Talk about making life easier!

I hope to post some more photos... hopefully a few bears will come my way...haha

When I left Florida it was hot and sticky and today I'm wearing sweaters, socks and trying to stay warm.. such a difference in temps and "I'm so happy right now".


  1. how wonderful to have this time with your family. Alaska truly amazed me with the clouds/fog blinding us from seeing anything, and the amazing sights when it lifted!

  2. Oh Sandy!
    I'm so happy for you. I know you have been waiting for this moment.
    I hope you have the best time there and get to see many sights and have so much fun with your family!
    The mountain photos are wonderful.
    Hope you packed a hat! :)

    ...and not only that, but where you been, if not in Alaska? I just realized I haven't seen you blogging.
    Enjoy your family, we'll catch up when you get back. Pat

  3. I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos. Are you enjoying the colder weather?

  4. I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos. Are you enjoying the colder weather?

  5. Enjoy your stay with Tom and family Sis, get many pictures!!! LOVE you


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