

Orchids, Orchids Everywhere. . .

 I'm taking you to an Orchid Show  I walked through at our local Botanical Gardens.
There were thousands of these beautiful plants for sale and I was so very good, and only bought one.

The plant was sitting on the ground in a plastic bag, no pot  or soil. Just lots of roots. It was about 5 lbs in weight, and oh so beautiful.
As soon as our weather warms a bit it will grace the old oak tree in my front yard, along with my other 6 Orchids. These Orchids are simply tied to the tree and survive on only the bark, sun and rain. 

There were both indoor and outdoor rooms set up with the most beautiful   
I was in Heaven.

I can't tell you how hard it was for me to not  buy all of them.

 The colors were simply delicious.

Of all the plants and flowers on the Earth, I think the Orchid just might be my favorite.

Stay warm everyone!

"Have a great weekend"

I'm linking up to


  1. So many is hard to pick just one.

  2. A pretty amazing collection of orchids... makes me want to look for a show in our neighborhood (or at least our state)! Here at home we are getting new blooms every day on our orchid collection.
    Thanks for sharing ... Larry

  3. Will those orchids stay long outside the conservatory, now that it is winter?

  4. Thank you! I enjoyed the tour and pretended I was somewhere in the tropics for a little while. :)


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