

Chickens, The Beauty of it All !

 For months now I've been in the Chicken and Eggs mode. 
Being told by my HOA that "I can not have chickens for organic eggs"!  Well I'm in the process of fighting them as the county where I live just ruled "Homeowners can have Hens for egg consumption"  It's in the category of a kitchen garden.
But it's not in our by-laws!

This past weekend I went out of town with my sister for a fun filled time and while driving down a country road I spotted a "Seed and Feed" store.. well, you know me, I love such stores and when I got out of the car I heard the sound of Roosters..  
"Chickens, they have chickens"!!
"Look at all the baby chicks"!
I was in my glory

Not only did they have Chickens, they had turkeys, ducks, quail and other assorted foul!
I felt like a kid in a candy store.

Then I walked into the room (yes, this city girl called it a room. I have a lot to learn I know) with the Laying Hens
I never realized how beautiful grown chickens could be.


 This one has to be the oddest one I've seen yet.  
Where  are her eyes?

For quite a few years now I've been distressed by learning about the conditions of the chickens and eggs in the farms where we all buy our poultry products.  I pledged to eat only “free-range” eggs, which I once  imagined come from chickens that have free access to the outdoors and fresh air. There are some facilities like that, but in reality, there is no uniform standard for the free-range. Although I don't eat meat I sometimes want to bake a cake and like to use eggs.

My friends and family keep telling me how unstable chickens can be and how I would not know how to cope with being a chicken farmer, but that is silly because there are 
several blogs that raise chickens just for their eggs and they have inspired me in my quest to get a coop in my back yard. Four Hens, that is all I want and need.

 is one blog that has taught me the ins and outs of keeping chickens. Thank you "Tilly" for all your helpful info!

I will continue my fight with the HOA of my townhouse complex.  Maybe I can get a letter from my county and present it at the next board meeting?
I'm not giving up!

1 comment:

  1. You may be able to have hens but I doubt they will allow a rooster...they crow too early for city folks.


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