

My Double Hibiscus and Baby Ducks

This has been such a beautiful week for me... The weather was perfect, even with the occasional thunder storm that brought the  rain our area is in desperate need of.
After looking out my kitchen window this morning, I saw the Hibiscus bush was blooming and I took my phone out to catch the shot. Hibiscus only last a matter of hours.


I spent the Easter weekend in Palm Beach with my daughter and look what was out her front door.
Yes, this lovely lake is just a few footsteps from her door and there was moma duck with 15 little ducklings in tow.  
(I counted them)

 I ran inside and cut up an entire loaf of bread for these little guys

I'm back home today and had to share the photos
of this wonderful flower.

I gathered the only two in full bloom and added them to my little bud vase that sits on my kitchen window. Seems this bud vase is changed out each day, now that all the spring flowers are coming up.


 And lets not forget my first Tomatoes of the season.

 It makes my heart smile to see Mother Nature in all her glory this time of year.

"Have a beautiful week"

I'm linking up to


  1. The Hibiscus is beautiful. The ducks adorable...we have 13 baby chicks right now...(the nuggets)
    I like seeing the different flowers in your bud vase!
    ...and the tomatoes look delish!

    thanks for sharing your photos...Pat

  2. Your Hibiscus is lovely and the ducks are so cute. I'm afraid I lost my Hibiscus over winter. Don't know whaat happened. I bought it last summer and it was doing fine, but no blooms or greenery as of yet. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics.

  3. Beautiful hibiscus. And what a brood of little ducks, adorable.

  4. Wow--a double hibiscus--how gorgeous! I've never seen a double before. I have a single called 'Sweet Caroline' that is gorgeous, but it doesn't bloom here until September usually. And the ducks--love!

  5. oh my gosh, could those ducks BE any cuter!?! i would have wanted to scoop them all up and run away with them.

  6. HI!!

    Thanks for linking up to the Bloglovin' Hop! Have you created a Bloglovin' account? I would love to update the link you submitted with your Bloglovin' link.

    Thanks so much :)

  7. Beautiful photos. The hibiscus are so vibrant.

  8. Great pictures you show.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Hanne Bente /

  9. There just ain't nuthin' sweeter than baby ducks -except for may gorgeous Hibiscus flowers.

    I just love Spring, even though our spring showed up too early and now we're struggling to keep plants from freezing.

  10. The babies are adorable. The blooms are fabulous and the tomatoes are wait you have homegrown perfect, bet they taste yummy tomatoes already.. I'm so so jealous..
    hugs, Cherry

  11. Hello, love Hibiscus! I am excited that mine over-wintered this year! Looking forward to their blooms. I'd love to have a lake view - so serene! Those baby ducks are sweet! I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness - I hope to see you again this evening,


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