

"Chocolate Mint"

Keeping a Mint plant handy has been something I've always done.  I enjoy using mint in some foods and as an extra in green salads.  It give such a fresh flavor when added.
This past few months I've had a Chocolate Mint plant in a pot, on my deck in the full sun, and the aroma is outstanding.  

The plant is getting large so I thought to clip it a bit and dry some of the leaves.  But, I have never used Chocolate Mint and had to do a bit of research.  
Do I dry it or just put in a freezer bag then put into the freezer?
How do I store this mint?

From what I read

Chocolate Mint (Mentha piperita cv.) neither smells nor tastes like chocolate, but rather it is reminiscent of an Andes after-dinner chocolate Mint. Thus, the suggestion of Chocolate is there and is strong enough to make us love it.
Great dried and added to black tea or used by itself, Chocolate Mint also makes a nice addition to chocolate deserts or a surprise addition to breakfast breads.

 Mints develop their best colors and flavors when grown in the sun like this Chocolate Mint. There are two growth phases for mints, at first, in early spring, the stems head up to make flowers. After flower production, the horizontal runners take off and cover a lot of distance in a short time. Bees and Butterflies love mint flowers. 

 I gathered my little harvest and tied it together then hung it in the kitchen window to dry.  I will have to wait for it to dry before testing it in my evening green tea.

 We will see how it works?

My kitchen window is the catch all for my garden clippings. I have a bit of Rosemarry trying to root and a little Roma Tomato that fell off the vine. Garlic, well that is where I keep it all the time. 

  I'm going to try the Chocolate Banana Bread this week. Wonder if I can put in fresh leaves or is it important to use only dry!
I love a good experiment!
Will post more on that another time!


  1. Sandy, you've taught me something new. I love chocolate mint and didn't know there was an actual mint by that name. If it tastes like an Andes mint, I'm in. Good stuff! Thanks for commenting and following me on my blog. I'm your newest follower. I replied to your messages my blog as well.

  2. The chocolate mint banana bread sounds yummy. I just bought an apple mint because I saw it used to flavor water. Enjoy your bread.

  3. umm...I'm going to use the mint in my yard for not so noble a purpose later today...Mint Juleps! Celebrating Kentucky Derby a day early. Thanks for entering the give away on my blog! Good luck!

  4. Try this one!!
    Makes 1 cake, 12 servings.

    This torte uses yet one more technique for infusing fresh herbs. This time you steep mint leaves in warm butter, strain them out, and use the scented butter in the cake. Flourless chocolate cakes are familiar to most serious chocolate lovers because they are the most intensely chocolate cakes imaginable. They are, in fact, cooled dense chocolate soufflés and very simple to make. The fresh peppermint flavor in this version gives it a refreshing taste.

    About 1 tbsp. unsalted butter, softened, for the pan
    1 tbsp. all-purpose flour, for the pan
    6 ounces (1-1/2 stick) unsalted butter
    1/2 cup (gently packed) fresh chocolate mint or peppermint leaves
    12 ounces premium bittersweet chocolate chopped
    6 large eggs, at room temperature
    6 tbsp. granulated sugar
    Garnish with powdered sugar

    Preparing the pan: Generously butter a 9 inch springform pan and lightly dust the interior with the flour. Turn the pan upside down and bang out the excess flour. Wrap a large square of heavy-duty aluminum foil around the bottom of the pan and partially up the sides. Turn the pan right side up and set it in a shallow baking pan or on a half-sheet pan.

    Infusing the butter: Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Stir in the mint leaves and let the butter sit in a warm place for about 30 minutes to absorb the flavor of the leaves.

    Butter and chocolate mixture: Preheat the oven to 350 F. Create a double boiler by selecting a medium (10-12") stainless-steel mixing bowl that will rest on top of large (6-quart) pot. The top of the bowl can extend beyond the rim of the pot, but the bottom of the bowl must not touch the water. Put about 2" water in the pot and bring it to a simmer. If the butter has cooled, heat it again to thin it. Pour the butter through a fine sieve into the mixing bowl and press the leaves with the back of a spoon to extract all the butter. Add the chocolate to the bowl and place it over the simmering water. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted, then remove the bowl from the water.

    Eggs: Beat the eggs and granulated sugar with an electric mixer on high speed for a full 10 minutes. They should quadruple in volume and become light colored, very thick and fluffy. Fold 1/4 of the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture, then very gently fold in the remaining egg mixture until completely incorporated. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.

    Baking: Put the baking pan with the cake on the center oven rack and pour in enough water to come about 1/2" up the sides of the cake pan. Bake until an instant-thermometer inserted in the center of the cake register 155 to 160 F, 25 to 30 minutes. The top of the cake will lose its glossiness and be slightly mounded, but it should not bake so long that it rises and cracks. If you insert a skewer into the center, it should come out gooey. Let the cake cool completely in its pan on a wire rack. Run a thin knife around the edge of the cake and remove the outer ring. The cake will keep tightly covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Bring it to room temperature before serving. Dust the top of the cake with powdered sugar and serve with whipped cream, ice cream or custard sauce.

  5. Hmmmm, I can't wait to see how this turns out! I'd love to try it I think.

    My lemon basil is growing like a weed. :-) Any suggestions for it?


  6. Hmmmm, I can't wait to see how this turns out! I'd love to try it I think.

    My lemon basil is growing like a weed. :-) Any suggestions for it?


  7. I buy chocolate mint every year. Unfortunately it will not overwinter here and I will definitely try your recipe.

  8. Love chocolate mint! I look forward to hearing how your recipe turns out.

  9. Oh my, would definatly like to hear how the recipe is? please do let us know! thanks for linking up to the garden party over her at Fisthail Cottage! xoox, tracie

  10. This sounds delicious! I will have to try some chocolate mint!

    I came by way of Kathy's Delightsome Life. You have a lovely blog!


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