

I'm on a "Scavenger Hunt"

There is a Scavenger Hunt going on over at Ashley's blog

I thought it might be kinda fun to join in.

The idea, she puts up 5 words and you/me need to take some photos to match the words. Two are photos from some time ago but it's ok since this is my first time doing this.
So, here go's.

First word,,,  "Shadow"
That's my shadow . Standing in front of a blank wall with the window blind behind me.  

The "key" is one that my sister had made to use when coming and going from my house.  She comes every year for a few months and needs her own key.   Tweety Bird is her own idea!

This is my first attempt at photography although I do post photos all the time here on my blog. I only use my iPhone camera and the 4 takes pretty good photos.

 "Smile".  Now that is a word we all want to see... Everyone Smiling all the time.
This little sweetie is named "Ozzie" and he is my Nieces pet.  He is almost never in the cage and lets you know (loudly) when he wants out!
Pretty smiley bird.

Untitled, well that is easy.. My Sons feet. He lives in Juneau and when the temps climb above 35 his shorts go on and they get outside... Here he is just being funny.  
His feet look a bit cold to me.

 "Fish", the BIG one.
My Nieces husband here on holiday. He did not catch this Grooper,
my Niece did, but he wanted the photo to look like he did it!

 That was fun.

If your interested in photography check out Ashley's blog


  1. WOW !!! That fish is so cool !!!!
    and untitled is like from Finland :) snow everywhere but now it is getting warmer, thank god !
    I like your photos very much. They tell your story in your way, personal way !!!!

  2. These are so good! That is a huge fish!

  3. These are great photos! My favorite is the smile image...he really looks like he is smiling.

    Scavenger Hunt is great fun...but, can be quite addicting!

  4. Welcome to scavenger hunt. I'll warn you, it's a bit addicting! Hope to see you back next week. Fun set of photos.

  5. Glad you took the SHS challenge. I've been doing it for a long time and still enjoy it every week. That is one big fish!!

  6. Great choices, Sandy! I love that cute key.

  7. Welcome!! Great shots. I love the hunt and spend all week looking for the perfect shot for each prompt. You did awesome!

  8. Lovely set of photo's. What a cute little bird.

  9. Welcome to the hunt! Love that Tweety key!!

  10. Hi first-timer! That is a huge fish! Wow!

  11. That is a big, scary fish. Cute Tweety Bird key.

  12. Wow! That is a great catch for fish. I agree they look like cold feet to me!

  13. You did good with your first hunt, love the photos and funny that you used my key he he
    LOVE you sis...

  14. You did good with your first hunt, love the photos and funny that you used my key he he
    LOVE you sis...

  15. Some great pics there! Welcome aboard!

  16. Something about your shadow shot is really cool. I really like that.

  17. Sandy, lovely photos, but I just love that tweety bird key, it is so cute! Your son wears shorts when it's above 35??? I don't put on shorts unless it's above 70! Thanks for sharing


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