

My Blaze of Glory, Climbing Rose is really growing ..

I do believe the advertisement in the "Jackson and Perkins" catalog is coming to be true. 
In all of 3 months my climbing, potted "Blaze of Glory Rose" has grown quite a bit and is blooming.

This is what it looked like when I first potted it the first week of March.

I was so sure this scrawny little thing would take so much longer to grow.  They told me, "in one season it will climb over 6' tall". 

 Today is May 1st, look how much it has grown. 
It has had 4 roses all ready.

My trellis is smiling and so ready to take the weight of a very large climber.  One bloggy friend told me her mom had the exact rose and she had to get a second trellis, it got so big! 
I love it!
Time to feed this little girl!
I'll post again on her growth later this summer.

"Happy Gardening"

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  1. Oh, I want one of those. I've made note of the name and will have a look at the garden centre. It's nice to have a real-life recommendation!

  2. Sandy- You got to be kidding me?
    From March to May 1 ???
    Seriously... of course I know you don't lie...but that is amazing!

    so pretty too.


  3. Very nice Sis, hope it blooms all year for you!!
    LOVE you

  4. I have a transplanted climber that is doing the same thing, I couldn't be more pleased :) I've noticed that the more severely I prune my roses in the winter, the better they grow and bloom in the spring....

  5. Beautiful! Your roses are doing so well. I have a few bushes in my yard that are looking kinda scrawny. I didn't prune them though. Maybe that's why!

  6. the color is outstanding . I have just planted 2 Blaze of Glory 's in large pots .
    I've never ground roses ,this is my first venture , so reading everything I can about growing these beauties .
    I have a small terrace outside my bedroom and living room double doors . my desire is to peek out and see gorgeous roses blooming . funny how as I grow older (65) my love of flowers grows stronger . My favorites are tulips, gardenia, & roses ,leoniades to be exact but Blaze of Glory really caught my eye.
    Always open for tips from more learned rose gardeners . Thanks for sharing the pictures . Thank you Jorgi Sanders


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