

"A Special Gift for a Special Daughter"

Did you ever have a special occasion happen to someone you love and you wanted to give them a gift telling the story.  I looked in so many shops and on Pinterest for ideas,  but no such gift could be found.. The home this gift will grace is one that will be "Shabby Country" as that is Cyndi's love of decor, something that started in the few years we all lived in Texas.  
So, I thought I'd just make my own!
My daughter Cyndi has worked for one company for the past 13 years and while with the company has moved  5 times to different cities. For almost 3 of those years she lived out of hotel rooms while opening new stores up in the North East.. and her belongings were put in storage.  She was then offered a promotion to work in the corporate offices out of Jupiter, Florida.  For the past two years she lived in a rather nice apartment in Palm Beach, a 45 minute drive down I-95.  But, it just was not home!  Well, I'm happy to say, "Cyndi bought her first house in Jupiter", and will be moving into it sometime in June. (no more driving I-95 and that is a big deal in itself)
What could I give her but something that said, 
"I'm Home" 
Using some left over wood, I cut a simple size to create a sign for her to hang in her new "Home"
 I painted the wood with some left over white wall paint and rubbed on a bit of brown to give the color some texture then used some craft store rub on lettering for the words.
(i'm really bad with hand painting letters)

 In the craft store I found what looked like a roll of ribbon but it was in fact made of garden twigs.  Really interesting stuff.  I simply placed it on the sign and used my staple gun and glue gun to attach it to the wood.

I also found this butterfly made out of  wire and Spanish moss.

The entire project took me about an hour to create.
The butterfly was put on top of a raffia bow with industrial strength hot glue and a raffia streamer tail for interest.

Using the words "I'm Home" is all that is needed.  Cyndi knows what it means and the feelings that go into it.

I can't tell you how proud I am of my girl and I know what this new  home means to her. She has worked so hard over the last decade and If anyone on the planet deserves it.. "It's Cyndi"

I'm linking up to


  1. This is such a sweet post about your daughter. I can tell that you adore her and are so proud of her.
    The welcome home sign that you've made is beautiful and I know she will treasure it forever.


  2. Hand-made gifts are very special, I'm sure your daughter appreciated it.

  3. Hand-made gifts are very special, I'm sure your daughter appreciated it.

  4. Sandy, That is such an accomplishment for Cyndi. All of you should be very proud.
    The sign turned out great. The butterfly is the perfect touch. I have some of that grapevine ribbon. Isn't it the neatest thing? You sure used it well.
    xo Ginger

  5. Your daughter is wonderful because she has such a wonderful mama. How great she's got her new house and how sweet is that sign you made!


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