

Turning a Bar Stool into a Little Dressing Room Seat

Today is the Official first day of Hurricane and Rainy season and it came in with it's best shot.  We have had rain all day and it's rather nice outside.  The smell of Florida is something I remember from my young childhood when we lived in Miami.  It's one of those smells you always remember, unique to say the least. I need to get serious about getting our Hurricane supplies ready and under the staircase.
It's also the perfect day to stay indoors and work on my closet seat.

I found a wood bar stool in a trash pile quite a few months ago and after finishing my Master Closet I thought, "This will make a perfect seat to use in the area of my little hair and make up space".  
(I'll don't need to tell you how excited I am to have this space, it's something we women dream about)
The first thing I did was clean it,  then cut the legs to shorten. 


 Perfect size.

Then I put standard wall primer on the base of the stool. 
 What color do I paint it?   I remembered several months ago my friend Pat over at 
told me about a coupon at Ace Hardware.  They were giving a free quart of their Clark and Kensington paint.
Of course I ran right over and picked a blue green color called Covington Blue.  I had no idea what I was going to do with this color so I put it in the store room knowing one day I'll find a use for it.


 Good color for the closet since everything in there is white.  Now it needs a soft pillow cover.  A girl needs soft when she is doing her hair, don't you know.

After digging in my fabric stash I found this nice green that was used for a window treatment some years ago and cut an old pillow stuffing.

I then realized I had no elastic and I'm not going out in the rain, so I  chose to simply make a running stitch then thread some cording in and pull the seat cover tight around the bottom of the seat.  Before putting the batting on the slippery seat I used some sticky rug tape.  This stuff is great and will peel off later if needed.  
There the cushion is pulled tight and perfect.

The seat is the finishing touch to my little wardrobe/dressing room and I could not be happier. Also, this seat cost me $0.00 
I'm putting together the "Master Closet Reveal" and will post it at another time.

I'm linking up to


  1. That piece is the icing on the cake. Great job.

    I love to repurpose things and hope soon to have time to play with things like that.

  2. Hello Sandy - great find! I love the color and the fabric - so lovely together - great seat for your dressing room!

  3. Aaah, how sweet, love that pop of green! Thanks for linking up.


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