

Wine and Pinterest....

Did you ever have an upcoming weekend that was filled with simply nothing?
In a perfect world, that is wonderful, right?
This is all I want to do.
Have a glass (or three) of wine.
(I'd like to thank my son for this great photo of his wine glass sitting out on the deck in Juneau)

 On another note,
Pinterest is making me fat and I need to stay out of there. Really, it's chock full of sweets. They may be nice but I need to stop making them (eating them)!  We need to see more old fashioned crafts!

 "Have a great weekend everyone"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy, The red sounds wonderful and Pinterest is fun. I try to go for the fashion and decorating fun and stay away from the recipes! I've got a few of those boards too…………..Deadly!!!!
    Have a great week.

    The French Hutch


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