

Dont be afraid to paint your kitchen counter top....

 I'm back home from my week with my #1 daughter, helping her with quite a few projects in her new home.
We had such a good time and it was fun for both of us, but today after getting up at 4am to drive home "I'm tired" so I played with my cats (the Mr. was home with them for the week) did a few chores that needed tending then simply sat down for the first time in a week.
I have several projects on the camera but I'd like to tell you about the one that made such a difference,  the kitchen counter top.
Like most of us, Cyndi looked at the bones of the house before buying.  Her home was move in ready and the layout is perfect for her needs and had new paint in each room and it's just beautiful.  The one thing that had to go was the kitchen counter.  I'm sure the previous owners knew the laminate counter was in need of help so they did a faux granite paint and it was downright horrible.  I told Cyndi of how I painted mine some 3 years ago and how well it's held up so off to the HD to pick out the paint.

The preparation for the paint was easy.. just sand to remove the shine... 

 Then roll on the paint. 

Cyndi's first choice of color was nice but once it was applied we had to laugh, it was the exact color as her cabinets and wall paint.  Looked nice but odd.  So we went back to the store and bought a nice cool Olive color.  It's perfect.  We cheated a bit, the directions said to wait 3 days if a second coat was needed but after about 6 hours it was dry to the touch so we went ahead and put it on... not one problem!
Oh, the best part, the quart that did her counters cost $12.99.  Can't beat that!  She also painted a bar top that is not shown in the photos.

 For those of you who need to get rid of old laminate but were afraid to paint it... here is the box.  New counter tops are so expensive and this paint is a quick fix until the budget allows this major purchase. You can take my word for it.. after 3 years I have not one peel or knife mark on mine.  This stuff is wonderful!

 The Olive color is really nice with the creamy color in her kitchen. Look how smooth and shiny it is.  My 3 year shine is still going strong  after many scrubs.

 Cyndi called this afternoon and asked, "Can I put my stuff back on the counter, It's dry".  "No", I said. You will have rings and marks with weight on the paint.  "It needs to cure the three days".  Lets hope she listened, but then knowing Cyndi, I know she will leave it alone the proper amount of time.
Cyndi chose a glass back splash with a mixture of colors that included Olive but will wait for me to return next month to give her a hand with it.  I'm thinking of going to her house for Thanksgiving.
Will be her first holiday in the house so we want to make is special.
I don't have to cook, that is special enough for me!

Ok, back to doing nothing the remainder of today. I have several movies on the DVR that I need to catch up on.
Bye all! 


  1. I agree painted counter tops are the easiest solution.

    We did not have counter top paint but used porch exterior paint. It is in its fourth year and still holding up very well...and we still can't afford to redo the kitchen.

  2. You know that this type of project is right up my alley! But...I'm so afraid to tackle it. The thing is... I KNOW IT WILL BE AN IMPROVEMENT!
    Thanks for showing it. You said the quart of paint was $12.99 is the Rustoleum Kit expensive?

    I'll have to go and check it out.
    Looks like you had plenty to keep you busy while you were at her house! Thanksgiving sounds like a nice 'thanks-Mom' visit. (no cooking, yay!)


  3. Really!?! I may have to consider this for my countertops. Amazing what the right paint can do!

  4. Looking good, makes it look like a whole new room :)

  5. The counters look fantastic! That may be the solution to my nasty counter tops.

  6. Huh. Interesting fix! I know a few people who will be interested in this!

  7. Wow, this is a quick renovation. And it looks great! Have a good rest and enjoy the DVDs. Regula

  8. So gonna do this! Thanks


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