

Fingerless Glove Set, a Find and the Superstorm.....

No matter where I go my crochet or knitting go's with me. This past few days I put together another Christmas gift. If only I lived in a cold climate I'd be making myself a few pair of the Fingerless Gloves..  While driving yesterday I had to slam on the brakes to pick up a find along side of the road.. Look at this great wrought iron table.. it's in perfect condition and only needs a scrub to get off what seems to be candle wax. 
This will be going to my daughter for her new back yard and patio.

 Once I had the fingerless gloves put together I started a head band that will both look good and keep ones ears warm.  The pattern was just something I made up.

 I asked my daughter to model the set for me and she agreed as long as I did not show her face. "Mom, I look horrible" (little does she know she is beautiful with or without her makeup)

 Once I had the pattern to size I had to add the frill and their ready for someones Christmas box.  I'm getting into the Christmas mood this week. Today I went to JoAnn's for some Christmas Flannel. Getting ready to make my grandsons matching jammies...

 I'll have to wait to get started on these,  first i must wash the fabric before I cut them out.  Flannel always shrinks.   I'll show the end results in another post.  
Back to my crochet.   
Today I've been glued to the TV news watching all that has gone on with "Sandy"... my heart go's out to all hit by that really odd storm.  Amazing how she started as a hurricane that blew up the Atlantic coast giving us here very high winds and a nice chill. She then  turned into a windy winter storm and did so much damage to the North East.. I like all of you have been watching the clean up today and saying a prayer for all those lost and all the mess left.  We here know to keep a hurricane kit. Mine is under my stairs. Food for a week, radio, batteries, blankets, water, pet food, sterno for cooking and more.   
The people up north did not have anything stored for this emergency and are suffering without such things.  It's going to take months to clean up.. such a shame.


  1. Your gloves with headband are very pretty!

  2. WOW! What a great find! I like the round table! I found an octagon shaped one earlier this summer.

    Your crocheted projects are beautiful ---as is your daughter! :)
    I really like the pattern you made on the wrist! ~~It's almost cold enough for those in the early mornings here, now! My daughter came in from walking her daughter to the bus stop 2 days ago with a cold nose and freezing fingers! Your yarn looks so soft! What brand is this? I've been making dishcloths lately with 100% cotton. Your pattern on the back of the hand looks like it'd make a nice dishcloth!

    The wintry fabric is so cute! I don't sit at my sewing machine as much as I'd like to!

  3. Oh wow! the fingerless gloves are pretty and the headband. I bet your daughter is smiling under there. :)
    I understand what you mean about being prepped where you are. I wonder about those things here...we have devastation in the form of Tornadoes; and when a hurricane does blown inland from the coast, it can be devastating as well. Recently though we've had a few earthquakes here in Texas... what is up with that?
    That is something else I need to research and be prepped for!
    I was wondering about the jammies? Do you have to buy 'fire retardant' flannel?
    I'be been wanting to sew...but my machine is on the fritz! hmmmph!
    I'm having to get creative for Christmas...and now that my sewing plans are on hold; I may have to come up with something else.

    I'm pinning the pictures of your head band/ear warmers.

    (sorry, I hi-jacked your comments) :) Pat

  4. Sandy, you can tell your beautiful daughter she shouldn't hide her pretty face. I used to feel like that when I was her age, too, and now I wish I'd posed for more photos so I could see the way I used to be, lol.

    Love the gloves and the headband is wonderful, too. And you've never had the experience of using a wringer washer? Well, c'mon over some Monday and I'll give you a firsthand experience, lol!

  5. What beautiful work you do! I love the gloves and headband. I'm featuring this project on tomorrow's party.

    Thanks so much for linking up!



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