

Going to my daughters for the week to build her master closet... my kind of week!

I'll be going to my daughters home in Jupiter for the next week. She and I are going to take her large long closet and turn it into something wonderful.  Were going to measure then have the HD guy cut the wood wood and then build selves and cubbys to hold the large amount of clothing  she has scattered in several closets through out her house.

Some of you may remember I took my own closet and turned it into my very own Better Homes and Gardens creation.  

Well my daughter called last week and pleaded with me to come help her build something similar in her useless closet.  I'm the kind of person that loves to do such projects and when someone I love says to me come help me build,, well I gather my tools and I'm off.
Cyndi spent last evening taking off the doors, ripping up the carpet and tearing out all the wire shelving, then  gave her closet a fresh coat of white paint.  I'm sure having all her clothing scattered around might make her nervous but once we get it going she will be fine.  
I'll be sure to take photos to show the before and after.

In the mean time I wanted to tell you about a shelf I found on Pinterest. Look at all the extra storage space for the kitchen. Although I do have a great pantry this shelf will hold so many small things.  This will be a project for me after I get home from Cyndi's. Looks easy enough.  It is on rollers and just pulls in and out.

Then there is my downstairs bathroom that I've been wanting to do for the past 6 years. It's tiny and I always knew there was a way to  make it both functional and good looking. Well again I found a photo on Pinterest (don't you just love that site!) that is perfect for my space.

 via pinterest

Look at all the built in storage.  My bath is tiny and has useless walls.  Not for long because I'm going to build it exact sometime during the winter months.

Before I go let me share a photo I received today of my beautiful 15 yr old grand daughter.  Eve lives up in Alaska and is modeling the sweater I knit for her... looks good on her, don't you think. I love how she added the belt for more decoration.

Ok, I'm off for the week but will be back. Hopefully with good news on our project.

I'm linking up to


  1. Our lives are almost parallel!
    I just helped my daughter this past week...and yesterday...we painted! I'm so sore today!
    You've found some great inspiration that slide out in the kitchen!
    I've been in bathrooms where that set up would have worked fabulously.
    ...and then there's our Grand-daughters...making memories with them is fun, isn't it?
    Eve is beautiful and it looks like she likes the sweater you made her.

    ...great job. See you when you get back. :) Pat

  2. Oh how I would love for you to come and build closets for me to make use of all the wall space..I envy your talent and energy.

    The sweater on your granddaughter is so darling on her!


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