
Whoa Horsey,,,,Saddle in the Attic... ?

 It's amazing the things and belongings some people forget about?
As I said in a previous post my daughter bought a new house (new to her) and yesterday we went up in the attic to see how big the space was and when I beamed the flash light.. Whoa,  there was a really nice Saddle just laying in the dust.

Once I got up the ladder and tried to bring it down all I could do was drop it from the opening in the garage ceiling.  Splat it went to the floor. It was heavy!

This morning I took out some oil and gave it a good rub down and amazingly enough it's in perfect condition.

The saddle has a number and every part of the leather is smooth and the construction is intact.. but then what do we know about saddles?
  It's not strange to find a saddle because this area of Jupiter, Fl is full of horse ranches and many people ride the trails and woods around here.

Whoa, I think I might need a horse to keep such a saddle!
Since neither of us ride this might just be an Ebay item.. 
If anyone out there in blogland knows anything about horses or saddles please leave a comment. We would love to hear from you and it will give us a starting point as to what we might do with it?

I'm linking this post up to


Sandra@Beneath this Roof, Within these Walls said...

That's a great find! I don't know anything about saddles, but my cowgirl daughter has her gorgeous house all done in a western theme, and she has a saddle on a saddle tree (I think that is what it's called, a stand thingie) that sits in her library, and it is beautiful!
I'm sure you can find a great home for that one, either for a rider, or as a great home accessory. How come I never find cool things like that??!

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Wow! I can't believe that was left in the attic.
I don't know what to tell you. I would imagine you could post it on Ebay or Craigslist.
YOu could call the Highschool-- see if they have a NHSRA...(not to be confused with the Hot Rod Assoc.)
Nat. High School Rodeo Assoc. and see if they might list it for you on a forum. Or... maybe you could take to a sale barn--when they auction off live stock. They may auction it off for you there.
Different options. The numbers may mean something too...so you should certainly read up on it and make sure it isn't something REALLY REALLY valuable. You know?
'cause you don't want to GIVE IT AWAY...if that's the case.

Good luck-- I can't wait to see what comes of it.

Anita at Cedar Hill said...

Sounds awesome. Too bad you don't have a use for it, but that would be mighty big to display. That's the coolest thing I have ever heard about someone finding in their attic.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

It looks like a nice saddle. Selling it on Ebay is one option or if there is a Therapeutic Riding center near you, they always can use tack and you'd get a tax write off!

Better yet, buy a horse! I've got a few for sale...



EG CameraGirl said...

I'm amazed that someone lefy a saddle in the attic! Now I want to check my attic to see if anything really interesting is up there. :))

Sorry, but I know nothing about saddles.

My name is Riet said...

It looks beautiful to me but I don't know anything about addled and horses.

Mary said...

What a gorgeous saddle! Much better than finding mice :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful saddle! I bet you will find someone that will love it.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! quite the find for 'W' ~ do hope you get a horse for the saddle ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Naperville Now said...

how does one forget one's saddle?
it is lovely -- if you don't sell it (or buy a horse, which is what my daughter would do), display it in the house for the art that it is.

debra said...

One of my sons friends has a horse farm but this is clear up in western PA so I don't know if it would be much help

However if you use facebook she has a page : Ginger Hill Acres


You could tell her Debra Pugh referred if you needed a name : )

Judie said...

I have always wanted to find something in an old attic. I have even dreamed about it! Did the former owner of the house have any clue about the saddle?

SarahBeth said...

What a beautiful find! I know next to nothing about saddles, except that they go on horses, but maybe there's a 4H club you could ask for information.

Pondside said...

That is a one-of-a-kind find, I'd say! Very strange, indeed.

Jenny said...


What stories my mind concocts around this saddle.

And what an odd thing to leave behind...not that they didn't notice it!

I love finding things in old houses!

This find was quite a surprise!

Thanks for a wonderful link to the letter "W".
