
It's Thursday Dec 4th and once again I'm saying "I've been away much too long"

This past week was spent in the hospital. My Cardio Doc tried to remove some
over used leads in my heart but without success they must remain.. he put in two
new leads and a new pacer and today I'm coming back to life and able to think
without all the pain meds and feeling sore but happy!

The Holidays are upon us and I was fortunate to have my daughter and sister
here with me to put up the Xmas tree and the outside decorations before entering
the hospital so I'm set!  We all agreed to not buy gifts for each other this year but
did get a good size box in the mail for my 4 grandsons last week, so I'm done and
can now just sit back and rest while I heal.

Wishing all a wonderful Holiday Season and praying for the family and friends
of those hurt or killed this past few days in California... I'm trying so hard to not
think such things are happening over and over.  It's just something I have no control
over right now but feeling so bad about it.

Let me get through this next few weeks and will post soon!


I've been away much too long!

 After being away from my blog for quite some time I thought I needed to get back into it because I've missed it and all of my blog friends.  Hopefully those of you who have been my loyal readers will comment and say "Hi".

I guess you could say "Life has given me lemons these past months and I finally decided to make
some Lemon Aid and get myself back together.... but, I went to look at my Lemon Tree and several new Lemons were missing!  The critters have taken them and all I have is one green Lemon left!

 As I wandered through my soaked back yard I noticed the Hummer Feeder was still full, "Where did they go?"  I have not seen any this year?

 My home is one of may Town Houses on this block and it's being painted now for three weeks so I've had to move so many potted plants but this one hanging basket with a succulent  I found in a garage sale over a year ago has a bud poking out,,, I had no idea it would flower!!
If anyone can tell me the name of this beauty I'd be ever grateful!  I'll do my best to not let anyone bother it until I can get a photo of the actual flower in bloom.
While searching I found the same plant, in bloom.  How pretty!

 The butterflies have been flittering around the Pony Tail plant for weeks now and that is due to the many flowers growing all around it.   Look how tall this Pony has gotten.  It was about 12" tall in a little pot when I first planted it out in the yard.  Taller than me now!

 Of course the Black Eyed Susan's are blooming... for some reason they normally thrive in  my garden but this year not too many came back?  Rainy season here in South Florida reeks havoc on my garden each year and we have been into the third week of daily Thunder Storms and heavy rain that knocks all the plants down. Some days you can find me out there while the rain falls with sticks and wire trying to save some.. it's rather funny to see really but I'm so afraid the lightening will get me one day!

I  have missed blogging and will do my best to keep it up when I can.
I'm sure it will not be as often as in the past but I've missed my friends here and today will be reading all your blogs and hopefully leaving a comment on each.

"Happy July"