

Tears of Sadness and Joy, all at the same time...


Over the course of our lives we start to collect things, stuff and items that bring "Tears" of both joy and sadness when we remember the time, person or place where we first got the item.

Of the literally thousands of items in my home the Embroidery sampler that hangs on my wall today is one of those.
The story is long but in my heart, very interesting.
When I first moved into my new home back in Illinois, with my then new husband, my mom hand stitched a sampler embroidery with her rendition of my home.  I loved it.  She put so much energy into each little stitch.
The date, 1976.

 What brought this long lost thought to my mind was my bloggy friend,  Pat, over at Corn in my Coffee Pot 
 She spotted the wall hanging that has graced my walls over the years, in the background of a photo I posted in a previous post.

The story behind this also has another twist, not only did my mom embroider this beautiful sampler but during a move many years ago, my family went from Illinois to San Antonio, Tx, and this sampler came along in a moving van. Since my moms death it has hung with such pride in every home I've lived since.
My brother Tom died in 1986 and during the sad time of his death I remember asking his wife if I could have a liothograph he bought on a trip to "Boys Town, Nebraska".  He was so proud of this treasure and I so wanted to hang it in my home.  Well she said no and with tears in my eyes, I let it go.

Time and the Mr's Job  had me moving every few years and when I got to Ft. Lauderdale my Tears came flowing when I saw the movers broke the entire frame and did a bit of damage to my moms embroidery. But low and behold, behind the embroidery was this beautiful wall art that my brother cherished.  "He gave it to me" was all I could think (16 years after his death) and then again the Tears began to flow.

It's time to pass this beautiful piece of art down to my daughter.  As most of you know she now has 3 sons of her own and these brothers are so close.  Uncle Tom loved Gina when she was young,  and totally doted on her.  I know he would be proud to know it will hang in her home as her boys grow.

"Tears of joy and sadness all rolled into one"

A special thank you to "Pat" for bringing back a fond memory and a Tear to my eye 

I'm linking this post up to



  1. What a lovely story and now your daughter and grandsons have the picture to cherish....awesome.


  2. Oh wow! what a wonderful story.
    I tried 'googling' information about that print...and found your post on when you were hunting a frame for it.
    This story is sweet...the needlepoint is so pretty. I didn't notice any damage to it. But you should cherish it; from your mom. The print too. Funny how at first you were probably upset that it got broken...but what a surprise huh?

    have a great week. Pat

  3. Sometimes bad things happen and we don't know why but you were so blessed to make the discovery you did. Your Mom did beautiful hand work. Loved this story Sandy. xo

  4. How lovely! I lost my beloved brother,Gary, in 1980. How I miss him, and how I would love to find something like that, something he had owed and cherished. And the needlework from your mother is beautiful, and how wonderful that you have it. I have a few things that my mother sewed, (she died in 1988) and they are very precious to me. But most of all, we have precious memories, yes?

  5. What a delicate story! I love the embroidery and the print!
    This has got me thinking what is in my house that I hold so dear!?

  6. What a wonderful discovery -- and two special memories...

  7. Very heart warming story, and having these tears of joy are also priceless, and precious.

  8. Your story touched my heart. How wonderful that you are passing the lithograph down to the next generation.

  9. What a tale of love, both intentional and accidental! I love how your brother's print came to be yours and the fact that you are passing that on to the next generation.

  10. Amazing story!! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Sandy, you've brought a tear to my eye. Life is full of amazing little miracles, just like this one. You now have a piece of your brother to pass on to your daughter - and your mother's embroidery will always be with you.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  12. Sandy, this is such a sweet and touching post. You made me cry!!!

  13. This is a wonderful story! I wish you a lovely weekend. Regula

  14. Some things are just meant to be !
    A beautiful post ~ thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

  15. Oh! Your story so touched my heart.

  16. I love the stories of these treasures. Many memories bring smiles and tears. Thanks for sharing both with us.
    hugs, Linda

  17. What a lovely post. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Visiting from A Favorite Thing Saturday and am your newest follower. Hope you have time to stop by Still Woods Farmhouse for a visit! Also noticed that you are a Coast Guard family! Me too! My dad was a career Coast Guardsman. Semper Paratus!

  18. What a great story and a lovely surprise. Sounds like it found a great new home with your daughter and her sons!

  19. I am crying here.

    What a treasure.

    And what a story.

    I think you should print this story and put it on the back of the framed picture so wherever it ends up they will be together.

    Absolutely terrific link for the letter "T".

    Thank you for sharing it.


  20. Sandy, this is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it with us. What a treasure you have there, times two! I so enjoyed this post. And yes, your daughter will treasure this as well as the story behind it.


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