

Daisy beware, "There is a new Slip Cover in the house"...

I'm feeling really good about how well my new slipcover turned out
It's been a chore that I've been putting off for quite a while but then you all know how much work go's into a chair cover without a pattern.
It all started when I rescued my new kitten, Daisy, and now that she is over a year  I can say she is finally over her scratching.
  I'm not sure why she chose this one chair?  But thankfully she chose it as hers and has not bothered the other furniture in my house. She does have a scratching post, in fact several in different rooms, but this chair, well hopefully it's over for her.  Now that it's finished I sprayed it with a cat deterrent and so far it's working (?)
After looking in all the fabric stores in my area it was not going to be easy to find quality fabric at a reasonable price  Even with my 40% off coupons at JoAnn's it was still expensive.  Waverly fabric was my first choice because it's a heavy fabric.  After going to several stores and on the net, I was looking at over $24.00 per yard and I needed at least 7 yards to cover this chair.  The design I wanted was $36.99 per yard..  do the math.
A friend of mine turned me on to a discount fabric store in St. Petersburg, about a 30 minute drive for me but it was so worth it.  I found this fabric for $7.99 per yard.  Such a savings!

After what seemed like hours of sitting on the floor, measuring, pinning then finally cutting (I said a prayer with each cut).. I did it!  My sewing machine set up on the coffee table made it so much easier than taking each piece up the stairs to my sewing room. 

As I said, I purchased 7 yards and found I did not really have enough to do the bottom ruffle with the pattern all going in the same direction so I had to piece it together.   Now that it has been gathered and sewn it really does not show the seams every 12" or so... thankfully!
Now I need a few nice toss pillows.. That is for another day.

Chirstmas is almost here and I've got it all finished... Packages for the kids are all in the mail. House completely decorated, chair cover finished and now waiting for my sister to arrive for her winters visit.  This week will be cleaning the entire house and getting her room in order.
"This is going to be a good Christmas"
Look who I drove beside on my way to the thrift store today.  Not sure where he was going but he was haulin on that Harley!

  Have a great weekend everyone! 

I'm sharing this post with
Overflowing with Creativity 

Make it Pretty Monday 

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday 

Tuesdays To Do List 

Wow Us Wednesday 

Blissful Whites Wednesday 

Show off Your Stuff 

Under $100. link Party 

Thrifty Things Friday 

Furniture Feature 


  1. Great slip cover! Looks cozy and calm. Hope you found some pretties at the thrift store. :)


  2. I'm very impressed with you slipcover! Great job! It's funny how a cat will choose one piece of furniture and make it theirs! Oh and Santa on a Harley always makes me smile!

    hugs, Linda

  3. Oh my turned out great!
    I love it. The pattern is so nice, and I can't even tell you pieced it.
    You did a wonderful job my friend!

  4. Wow, what a nice job! Hope Daisy treats it nice. Tell me more about this fabric store, I'm overdue for a trip to St.Pete!
    Love the Santa on the Harley! Enjoy your time with your sister.

  5. Your new slipcover looks lovely & I admire anyone who would tackle such an undertaking! Hoping Kitty will simply enjoy a little curl up time and no more scratching...

  6. Hi dear, your chair cover is really nice!!! and I love your Santa, too bad you couldn't get him to pose..... only 9 more days!!! LOVE you

  7. Sandy, this turned out fantastic!! I really love the fabric and the ruffled skirt is perfect. You did such a good job. Something I've never tackled but maybe some day.

  8. I had to share it on my Skyland Drive FB page! It's so cute!

  9. wow, I'm impressed. You must be a very talented seamstress. Love the chair. The fabric is beautiful. Marsha @ EveryLittleBirdie

  10. well, you did a beautiful job on the chair, I will be slip covering my couch after the holidays, love the Santa, hope you can visit my give a way,

  11. I am super impressed with your slipcover. Great job. I know it's a big job and you did it wonderfully. Visiting from Wow us Wednesdays.

  12. What a great job you did! And OMG, I can't believe the price of the fabric! Awesome! And it is a beautiful pattern. I have been wanting to do some curtains but the cost of fabric is so insane I have put it off. Wondeful, you should be so proud! Thank you for sharing at TTF.


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