

Just finished "Slip Cover #2" but this one is made of "Paint Drop Cloth". . .

Now that the holidays are upon us, like you all I've been decorating my entire home.  As I walked from room to room I noticed two chairs that were in need of repair... one that my cat, Daisy, clawed to deathYou can see how I did that HERE  and the other,  a recliner,  the one Mr. N calls his own!   I did not want to put a good fabric on this chair only because, well you know how the Mr.. sits for games, cowboys and CNN eating his food.  I thought, "What better fabric than a drop cloth".
Went to the HD and bought a 4 by 15  paint drop cloth for all of $11.99,  took it home popped it in the washer with lots of bleach and fabric softener and it came out beautiful.  I have never covered a recliner and it was a bit tricky to say the least.  I needed to find a way to allow it to open?

Having the fabric just fall was much to tight and the chair did not work properly so I thought to just put a long gathered skirt on the front and it now it works perfectly.

This will be two slip covers  I've made this past few weeks and  so happy that I have them finished.
  I did allow for tucking the fabric deep into the pockets of the recliner seat so when it's open it will not be tight, when the Mr is finished all we have to do it tuck it all back inI even had a bit of fabric from my first slipcover to make a small pillow so the two chairs somehow go together. 

 Ok, I'm done sewing for the Holidays.  I'm just tickled with myself after doing both chairs.  Funny thing, I've been putting this off for months because it just sounded like a lot of work and it truly is not if you only allow yourself the time and energy to get it started.
 "With a big smile on my face I'm showing off my two works of art"
 Now I can relax and enjoy the Holidays.  My sister will be here in three days and our first order of business, (that is if she wakes up from jet lag) is to the "Hard Rock Casino" to celebrate her birthday on the 20th.


  1. Great job! I have always wanted to learn to slipcover, but have been scared! Merry Christmas!

  2. This is amazing! You did a fabulous job, Sandy.

    Thanks for visiting and enjoying my beach painting. You are so lucky to live near the beach! Hope to hear from you again.

    Happy holidays.

  3. Hi Sandy!
    This drop cloth slip cover is great! Couple of questions.
    What does the bleach and fabric softener do to the fabric? Will it need a protectant sprayed on there after you've finished sewing? Secondly, how does it work for the moving parts? Can you post a picture or send me one of the chair opened?

    I'd love to make one of these for our recliner-- just not sure how to go about it.

    I love yours with the long ruffle...both chairs look wonderful. Have fun with your sister on her Birthday!

  4. That is such a good idea! Well done! I don't know if I have the patience, but I'd sure like to try to make a slip cover for an old wing chair.

  5. This is great! I keep saying I want to try a slipcover on an old pink chair I have hanging out in my garage. The drop cloth material looks great! Thank you for sharing Patti at OldThingsNew

  6. This is great! I keep saying I want to try a slipcover on an old pink chair I have hanging out in my garage. The drop cloth material looks great! Thank you for sharing Patti at OldThingsNew

  7. I have a recliner that's been screaming "cover me" since shortly after we ordered it, our daughter adopted a kitten, who, of course put her share of scratches in the leather. Our standard poodles have left their marks, too. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

  8. I am so excited to find this! I have been wanting to make a slipcover for a dog scratched recliner that we bought used. It is also filthy now, since my husband used to sit in it right after he came home from work. he has since changed that habit,but it was too late for the recliner. I LOVE the full skirt at the bottom. Not only does it look beautiful, but very forgiving for someone who cannot sew very well such as myself.

  9. You can see how I did that HERE and the other, a recliner, the one Mr. ...


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