

My "Little House" Christmas Ornament, for a special Daughter. . .

 While reading a few blogs I follow,  there was a cute "little House Ornament" made by one of my bloggie friends.  It gave me the inspiration to make my "Little House" for my daughter who bought her first home a few months ago.  Although Anita's little house is  totally different fabric and designs, well, you can see hers  Going a Little Coastal .  Anita also has a Son who moved into his first home and this gave me the idea. 
Her little house is so cute.
 My Cyndi's home is decorated totally Country so I pulled out my burlap scraps and created a small house with a Christmas theme.. Cyndi just put up her decorations on the front of her house so I did my rendition of her lights.
 I used DMC Floss to put lights on the Eves of the house,  just like Cyndi did on her home.  On the reverse side I added a few words to remember the date and event in her life.
I'm sure she will totally enjoy putting this little ornament on her tree.  
It's just her style.

You know they say "Christmas is the best time of year" and I totally agree.
It brings people together and has us doing things we just don't do all year long.
We get so busy and then so stressed as the date,  Dec 25, gets closer but look how much fun it is.
I hope you all have your crafts finished and your shopping just about done.  At this point in time, "I think I'm finished"(?)

I'm sending all the good vibes I can muster to those in the little town of "Sandy Hook" for grace during this long healing process. 


  1. No where near finished...NOW! This little ornament is Sooo cute!
    My oldest daughter and SIL bought their first home this year and this will be their first Christmas in it!

    I may have to get busy and make one of these cuties for them! I'm going to copy your copy...:) Pat

  2. i love anything with houses! ever since we got ours (5 years ago already!) i still love it so. she will love this!!

  3. That is soooo cute! If I wasn't finished with all my Christmas crafting & decorating, I'd so be making one for myself. I'll add it to my next year list!

  4. This is so cute! Our youngest son bought our previous home that we lived in for 22 years. He grew up in that home. I have been looking for a house ornament for them but just haven't found one. I think I will make one Sunday afternoon. I have lots of burlap on hand. I know that they would love it. Now why didn't I think of that? lol! Thanks so much for sharing it with Share Your Cup. Happy to be following you now. Prayers for all of those suffering!

  5. What a sweet little ornament, and I love how it's going to be special in your daughter's life...always.
    Saw you linking at It's Party Time!
    Debbie :)

  6. this is beautiful! I know your daughter loved it! I know a lot of realtors and this would be a great house warming gift!!


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