

I Made A Succulent Garden and The Edmond Fitzgerald

During this past summer I posted on my trip to Whitefish Point, Michigan, when we walked on the beach by the Coast Guard Station.  Lake Superior was covered with the most wonderful rocks.  Each in colors of the sea, smoothed with the rolling tides of time. 

The sea at this spot was where the "Edmond Fitzgerald" sank. You remember the song on the radio back in the 80's,  Gordon Lightfoot sang of this true story.
November 10, 1975 the bulk freighter Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior with all hands.
 We first waked through the museum then down to the beach. I carried some of those wonderful rocks back to Florida and the baggage handler  put a "Heavy" sign on my suitcase...

 I thought it was time to put my souvenirs to good use and  made myself a Succulent Garden.
 There were a few succulents in small pots on my potting table and I also bought a few more.. layered a large terracotta saucer with small rocks and some orchid medium.. a bit of sand and soil then laid the tiny plants in between the rocks.

Love this little one called "Baby Toes"

The Hens and Chickens were from a cutting.

Now to wait for the little plants to grow. 
 I found a succulent wreath on Pinterest and am thinking of making one for my front door!
 Would look fabulous, don't you think?
Was wondering if the open and closing of the door would knock the plants off?

Hopefully I don't kill them

with kindness.

We are expecting rain today,, it's been quite a while here  and the area has been in a Fire Warning for the past few weeks.. Florida has had 69 brush fires and this rain is needed really bad.  Bring it on!

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm linking up to


  1. Happy birthday!

    The garden looks great. I always bring home rocks from places I visit too.

  2. Happy Birthday, Sandy! I will certainly be copying this idea - such a pretty little garden.
    You know, there was a time when I knew all the words to the Edmond Fitzgerald!

  3. I've been thinking of succulents myself lately. They are quite interesting.
    I've thought of xeriscaping our front lawn(weeds really) to keep from having to water so much.
    Like you...we've had drought conditions all last year. I don't think it's been officially lifted as of yet.
    I hope you get the much needed rain you need.


  4. Happy Birthday Sandy. Hope you had a wonderful day. Your new succulent container looks great and I like the rocks. It's always fun to use momentos like that in the garden or home. We're headed to Michigan...Mackinac Island...this summer. Hopefully, I'll find some pretty rocks like that, too.

  5. I love your idea. The rocks look like eggs (kinda-sort of). My son wanted to start a succulent garden, and your post gives me some ideas. Thanks!

  6. Happy day late!

    It's fun to have another Birthday twin! Send me your address so I can send you a card next year. I'll remember the day for sure!

    jennymatlock at cox dot net

    PS. I love that Gordon Lightfoot song. I sing it my husband's dismay.

  7. What a wonderful use for your mementos. I would have just looked at the baggage claim guy and smiled! Love the baby toes - so cute!

  8. The garden looks wonderful! I loved the wreath too, but I would have the same worries about it!

  9. I'd love to visit Lake Superior!

  10. Happy Birthday! I love stones and how you displayed them is very creative. Baby Toes...perfect name for this plant.
    Joyce M


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