

Take a stroll with me through an "Old World" Italian Market

When your in the mood for some "Old World" food and atmosphere you must visit Mazzaro's Italian Market.

I took my twice a year ride to the most wonderful "Italian Food Market" this side of Italy!
(I've lived around the World and can say this)
It's about 45 minutes away from me and somewhere in my heart I'm so glad it's not close.
  I'd be there every day to buy the most wonderful food!

When you first drive into the parking lot this guy (statue above), greets you.
Then when you find your parking spot, you walk on by more statues.

"Old World" meets modern day, right across the street. This market was here before the homes were built back in the 70's.

But first the sign on the wall lets you know 
"It's ok to park here".


As you first walk in the front door of the market your again greeted by Old World statues that bless you on your journey.

Then the endless counters of food begins.
Although I'm not a meat eater, I have to admit, the quality of the meat looks great.

Then you come to the "Cheese and Wine" room.  The aroma is outstanding! They also are happy to let you taste.

Olives, my favorite food on the planet.

 The counter of ready made foods is eye candy to say the least.

  At 9am on the dot the customers got in line to take numbers, to purchase the many styles of hand made pasta, bread and sweets.

My one purchase, a loaf of the most wonderful 
 "Sesame Baguette"
Must have lost 4 pounds by not buying anything.
( Then I ate most of my bread in the car on the way home)

Yummm, Gelato!

I wish I could put a scratch and sniff up,   for you all to smell the bread, as the aroma came out of the kitchen!

The coffee bar had it's regular Saturday patrons.

Next time your in the Tampa Bay area, take a drive to 
St. Petersburg and visit this wonderful Old World Market.  You can sit at the counter, go to the outdoor seating for lunch, or just bring a grocery bag home filled with wonderful delights.

(no, this is not a paid endorsement , I just love the place)

"Have a wonderful week"

I'm linking up to


  1. Sandy this is great! I didn't know you could find a place like this. I wish we had something like this where I live...I would love to visit there one day!

  2. Wow this is a great post love it Thanks for sharing and yes I would like to visit the store too!

  3. Hahahaha! I would be there at least twice a week! What wonderful photos, Sandy! I'm glad I had dinner before coming here, or my husband would be taking me out for Italian tonight!!!

  4. Good I didn't know about this market when we were there! I would have gorged myself with Italian food -especially the wine and cheese, or the desserts!

  5. This looks like a truly wonderful place. I bet the bread was delicious!

  6. OH my goodness. That place is heaven!!


  7. Wow that is a wonderful shop. I could spens my days there.
    Great Word

  8. Sandy - I'd just love to visit! I miss markets like that - we're so far off - it would be a day trip! I LOVE the statues - especially the last one! Thank you for taking us along with you,

  9. WOW is right! I LOVE Italian food and would be big as a house if I lived anywhere near there. Good thing I'm way out west:) Thanks for the wonderful smells this morning Sandy:)

  10. We have a mini version of this place in SLC and I go there about once a month and drool, taste and buy!

    This place is so gorgeous! Thanks for letting me visit digitally...

  11. We have a mini version of this place in SLC and I go there about once a month and drool, taste and buy!

    This place is so gorgeous! Thanks for letting me visit digitally...

  12. Oh my word, I think I gained 20 pounds just reading your post! This is my kind of store and looks fabulous! My hubby's cousin lives in the Tampa area, I wonder if she has been there. Hmm, I'm feeling a trip coming on!

  13. I would LOVE to go there, looks awesome! It's a bit of a commute from MI, lol, but it looks great. I will tell my mom about it, as she lives in FL....

  14. That place looks great! Too bad St. Pete's is so far away from me!

  15. This looks like such a great place to shop for Wonderful food...

    I think Mr. Jenny Would be upset With me if I Went though...

    Because I Would definitely go Wild in there!

    Thanks for linking.



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