

My Topsy Turvy and My sister flew home today ..

Spring is the time to put in some new tomato plants.  I do have several on the front porch, in pots and am excited for my tomatoes to grow.  For the back yard I like to use my "Topsy Turvy"  Keeps the critters off the plants.
 The Topsy Turvy was used last year and produced some good tomatoes.  It takes no room when hung and all I had to do was wash it well before storing it for the winter months.
First I put the plant in upside down then filled it with good potting soil.


As easy as that!

It's hanging on a chain between two Hickory Trees off my deck where it will get about 4 hrs of full sun each day.

You will notice more planting holes on the side of my "Topsy Turvy".  I did have 4 plants in there last year but I found too many plants made it difficult to keep up with the long branches that came out.  I had to tie them up and it got messy to control.

I had a  tomato plant from last year sitting on the deck. Was I surprised to see the winter chill did not kill it off.  Today I noticed flower buds and a few new little Roma Tomatoes peeking out.  This is a first for me, normally they die off... hmmm, interesting, very interesting.

 I spoke of the critters getting to my tomatoes on the back deck, well this morning I saw one pesty squirrel enjoying one of my first little tomatoes.. so I had to enclose the Topsy Turvy with some plastic chicken wire.. Oh Well!

I was up at 4am this morning to take my sister to the airport here in Tampa. She has to catch a flight out of JFK at 9pm tonight to Saudi. She had a 5 hr layover at that airport so it's been a long day for her I'm sure. Nice thing she has a 10 hr night flight and after the dinner service she will sleep the flight away.
(yes they still feed you well  on over seas flights) 
Dolly has been here for the past 6 months and we had such a good time together.  I miss her all ready!
Sending good vibes for my sis to have a happy landing back home.

Come back soon!
"Sisters are the best" 

I'm linking up to



  1. Hi Sandy! Those Topsy Turvy's are a great idea!

  2. I have of course seen these advertised and every year I think, "I should try that" seeing your post makes me think that this is the year I am really going to do it. :D
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I have no place hang one of those - you're the first person I've come across who has used it. Those pesky squirrels! I have a couple of sisters too - we see each other about once a year - so great you had such a good visit! I hope you have a marvelous weekend,

  4. Still too early to plant much here but maybe I should try one of those this year.

    I've never heard of a tomato plant returning like that either. Let us know how they taste...

  5. So sweet of you, "I'll be back" and soon dear
    LOVE you
    Every time I sign in with google it wont do it.....

  6. That's the first time I have seen a Topsy Turvy...really cool.

  7. Interesting! I've never tried the Topsy Turvy. What variety of tomato did you put in it?
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  8. Ive always wanted one of those! :)


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