

Happy Mothers Day Mom ...

Mothers Day 1998, I remember coming home from work  carrying a simple bouquet of flowers for my Mom.
She did not feel well that morning  and before I left for work  I told her to go lay down and watch a bit of TV and call me if she needed anything.
It all seemed so simple because she did not seem sick.

I came home that day and walked into her room and she was  peacefully sleeping in her bed.  Her TV was on and her morning coffee was still on the bedside table.  I did call her from work,  about 10am to check on her and she told me she was ok.
Well when I walked closer to talk to her I noticed she was indeed sleeping. Somewhere between 10am and 4:30pm Mom died in her sleep.

Today I still wonder why she would leave us on Mothers Day?  With her Irish sense of humor, I guess she was sure we would not forget the date.

For all that have your moms close by, go see them, or call them.  Better yet, take them to dinner.  
How I wish I could do this.

Sending good vibes and love out into the heavens to say

"Happy Mothers Day  Mom"

My Violet bloomed just in time for you

"Oh How I Miss You"

* * * * * 

They say a persons worth is measured by their achievements during a lifetime, well, these three are my greatest achievement! 
"Happy Mothers Day to me"

(their going to beat me for posting this old photo but it was one of those happy  carefree days we spent together)


  1. Life has some hurtful memories sometimes, that's for sure. But she went peacefully...
    Enjoy your mom's day with all the good memories Sandy.

  2. Mother's Day is both bitter & sweet, when you can't tell them how much you loved them, isn't it? I miss my mother too. Hugs to you today dear!

  3. I imagine that your mother passed sure in the knowledge that she was loved by you.
    Your children are gorgeous, all!

  4. You did such a good job caring for Mom and I'm sure that now she understands that!!! Happy Mothers Day to you Sis, LOVE you


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