

My Wildlife Habitat had some new Visitors

 My yard is registered with the National Wildlife Federation because several years ago I turned it into a Wildlife Habitat.  There have been so many different critters coming and going but these are a first. "Peacocks!


The peacocks were  out back the other day digging and looking for food.  I never realized how slow these birds are, just moving about without a care in the world.  Maybe they are domestic, but they sure were not afraid of me when I came out wanting to shoo them from  one of my flower beds. I had tiny seedlings about 2" tall in there. 
Oh well, their mashed now.

I quickly called my daughter and asked her to " Google and find out what peacocks eat"... she said, "seeds, oats, bugs and nuts".  I ran into the house and found all but the bugs and tried to feed them.  
I want them to stay around my yard!

That was three days ago. 
The peacocks hung around for several hours then walked on through the woods.  Maybe they will come back one day?   I just loved it when they made that "jungle sound" they were so loud.  My yard is like critterville out there and each day I may see something new. 
This little lady came up from the creek to lay her eggs.  Although I did not bother the turtle more than taking her photo,  she was not about to come out of her shell until I went away.

I love my yard and all who inhabit it.

"Have a wonderful week everyone" 


  1. What a treat for you to see all this nature. We watched a turtle lay her eggs in the back of our yard but we never saw anything hatch. Don't want to think of what may have happened. Nature can be sad sometimes too.

    Robin Flies South

  2. Wow! That sounds like fun. We have some pheasants who wanter around our neighborhood and I'd love to get them to stay here. The tree they used to roost in the neighbor cut down. I will look up what they like to eat.You're an inspiration. xo Jenny

  3. How amazing. I want to come and visit. I promise I'll bring some bugs :)

  4. What a treat! I'm always thrilled when I find some new wild creature in my garden.

  5. Lucky you to have a wildlife habitat. You are getting your angel wings here on earth feeding all those animals.
    Joyce M


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