

It's Almost Done...... My Master Closet

In a previous post I spoke of re-doing my messy master closet. Well, I'm happy to say "It's Almost Finished"

It's day 7 of my Custom Closet make over.  
My hands hurt and I have white paint and liquid nails under my finger nails.  I'm tired of looking at the hammer and assorted screwdrivers.. but "Oh so happy with what is going on in there"!!
This is one of those "Did I Do That" moments. 
Call me nuts, but I know I've saved myself thousands of dollars by not hiring a contractor or handy man.
Hey, "I'm the handy woman" 
The first thing I did when I brought home the pine boards is paint them all with a white primer.

Now that I have the shelving up I stopped to think about putting the clothing hanger rod in, then it hit me that it would be long and there is a possibility the weight of the clothes might not be supported by the 3/4" wood?  This morning I went back to the HD and my favorite guy who has been so helpful with ideas and opinions on what I was up to.  He gave me some great thoughts on a second, stronger shelf with better support.

This project is taking much longer than I thought but as long as I have the time this next week, I'd say it might take at least 4 more days to finish.
I'm being really picky... "NO" metal or wire  at all, will go in my closet so I bought a large wood dowel for the clothes rod.  Three will be installed but I just don't want metal supports on the end. My big idea is to use 2by4 wood.  Drill a hole in the wood and insert the dowel....  How do I drill 2 1/2" holes, that is the question??

Doing a project of this size I've come to the understanding that these items are the ones most needed.  
Liquid Nails, Molly's and a Miter Saw.  

And lets not forget the Masking Tape! I must have gone through two large rolls just holding things together while I worked on it.
The walls and cabinets have been primed and now I'm
wondering if I can con someone into putting a fresh coat of paint on everything in the Closet? 
Any takers out there?

The little night stand will not stay there, that spot as the one above it will  be for a clothes rod, for short items like shorts and tee's.

My little girl, Daisy spends all her time in the closet with me.

My guest room has been taken over by all my clothing and I can't wait to get it all back and hanging in my new Custom Closet.  

I'm tired now but as they say, "The show must go on" because it's Almost finished and I can't stop now!
I'll post more on the finished product.  Mr. N told me last night, he was going to hire me out as a contractor.

The best part of such a project is when it's "Almost Finished"
No, scratch that,,, "The best part is when it is finished"

* * * * *

I'm linking up to


  1. Great job! Although I liked the little dresser there, I understand the need for clothes rods.

  2. Hey, just became a Linky Follower. I only found your blog through today's Networking Blog Hop, I'm #341.Janet, my url didn't come through even though I used the WordPress code! Your closet is much bigger than mine.

  3. It's coming along great Sis, you're really doing a fabulous job!!

  4. Your closet is looking great. The Mister and I have been talking about doing this, so I read with interest all you have been doing. Found you from Met Monday & am a new follower. Off to visit your blog some more.

  5. Your closet is looking great. The Mister and I have been talking about doing this, so I read with interest all you have been doing. Found you from Met Monday & am a new follower. Off to visit your blog some more.

  6. It looks like a huge and wonderful project you have taking on.


  7. You amaze me! I couldn't begin to tackle such a project. I'm NO good with hammers, etc. :) You're doing a fabulous job!!

  8. Wow! I would have never attempted to do our closest and you've done a better job to boot! This is wonderful and can't wait to see the finished closet.

    The painting will be pain and hopefully someone will "volunteer" to at least help. This is such a super job - kudos!!!!

  9. Sandy,

    Your clostet is memphoring wondefully! I'm sure you will absolutely love it when it is all done.

    I followed you over from the BTNOTP linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

  10. Great job, Sandy! I'm so impressed that you took this on yourself. In our old house we had a great working closet that my hubby put together with the closet organizers pieces from HD. In the new place we got what the previous owner had and, while it probably worked for her as a woman on her own, we need to figure out a way to rework it. I'm not looking forward to that!

    visiting from Met Monday : )

  11. I am so impressed and need to get busy in mine.

  12. My goodness - you are amazing! We'll all be envious of that closet.

  13. it is really coming along! i would be embarrassed if you saw mine!

  14. I admire your courage to tackle this project. Looks like it's going to turn out great! Love the quote in the first photo... I pinned it!

  15. Your new closet is going to be fabulous! Good for you for deciding what you want and sticking to it!

  16. Do you like mountains? Horses? Wanna come and organize my closet for me?

  17. Very very impressive. Did I mention I'm impressed?

  18. A W E S O M E ! You are doing a terrific job! Come visit me! I wish I had a closet like this! Sigh! Happy days for you!

  19. Great job on that closet. Now are you ready to come tackle mine?! LOL. I love that quote...that's definitely me. Who needs a purpose for beauty!?

  20. Well that is quite the closet.

  21. Wos what a great job you are doing. And it is looking like a lot of work but already beastiful.

  22. As I can barely get a nail in without tearing down part of a wall, I must say I'm awed.

  23. Good luck with your closet! Great to be Almost Done!

  24. Go, YOU!!! It's enough for me to just put the clothes away IN the closet, let alone do a whole DIY makeover. Keep going!

  25. Great project. Visiting from Miss Jenny's. KUDOS♫♪

  26. Sandy! I'm so impressed with you!

    I so admire a person with a 'can do' attitude!

    This is awesome!

    I'm glad Daisy is keeping you company. Too bad you can't teach her to paint!

    Thanks for the smile.


  27. Sandy, it is looking so good! I can't wait to see it finished! You go, Girl! Love your sweet Daisy. Max is the same way...wants to be where Mom is. :)


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