

Saving seeds from my Blackeyed Susan and Purple Cone Flowers

I'm always thinking ahead, to next years garden and this will be my fifth year saving the seeds from my Black Eyed Susans.
They seem to grow without my even seeding  the spot by my front fence, but I save the spent flowers, let them dry then put the seeds in an envelope to be scattered out back in the fall.

Of all the flowers growing in my yard, these two seem to be the ones that love
to grow all on their own.  Too much rain, or no rain at all and their happy!

And from the way they look in the garden, 
"They make me happy too"

What more could this woman ask for?


  1. Well done on saving seeds! I need to get better at this. My mom saves seeds from her garden, and then she sends them to me as part of my Christmas present--a gift of flowers for the upcoming growing season-I love it!

  2. Hi Susan,
    Blackeyed Susans are one of my favorites flowers. It's nice they just reseed themselves, but it's nice to spread them to other areas in the garden. Enjoyed your photos and I'm so happy to meet your. I'll be your newest follower.

    The French Hutch

  3. Sandy, I love both Black Eyes and Cone Flowers. Mine reseed quite profusely so I don't save seeds. In fact I gave quite a few starts away this Spring. You truly are blessed. I have a link party, Share Your Cup Thurs. Links open at 4 p.m. on Weds. I would love if you shared this or another post.

  4. Great tips! thanks for sharing over here at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! i hope other gardeners try to save their seeds as you have done! love it! xoox, tracie

  5. I love those flowers, so pretty! Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop...I am your newest follower! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  6. I too love Black-eyed Susan's and coneflowers. I never think to save the seeds to plant elsewhere! You've inspired me! I'd love it if you shared this at my party on Tuesdays!

  7. you are way ahead of me...I don't even have much to bloom for me yet...much less save seeds! lol
    I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I always feel so privelaged to know that inspiration is just a click away when need a bit of a boost for my spirits! It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...landscaping and ideas that all the participants share, and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I have shared your post today with my facebook page for Tootsie Time. I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  8. Oh, I wish my coneflowers would reseed- I can barely get them to grow for me here, our soil is so bad! I've added soil and compost, but it doesn't stand a chance against the huge fir tree roots, clay soil, and dry weather. Good for you!

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