

I feel like Candice Olsen,,, "The Reveal". "My Master Closet is Finished"

I've created a space that is all mine, literally, all mine!
It's not an office or pretty kitchen it's my
 "Master Closet" 
Somewhere for me to go and do my hair, nails and makeup.
To stand in front of the mirror and see what I'm wearing each day.
This re-do has been going on for weeks now and my bruised shin and hands are happy to say "All for a few tweaks It's just about finished".  I brought all my belongings back into the new closet and am in the process of fitting it all in, although I'm sure it will all be moved around again and again, until I find the proper placement.
Now that I look at the before photo, it's sorta scarey and I feel like I was some sort of a slob for the past few years but it's not me, it's miss management of a big closet with those horrible wire racks and much wasted space going on in there. 

This is a shot from the odd wall placement and wire shelves.
Dead air space!

Now look at that same space filled with all the clothing that might go on my body several times a year. Looks like a tight space but it's really not.

This project started with my literally taping my design idea to the wall.  I then measured each piece of wood needed and took it  to my HD guy who cut a 4 by 8 piece of 'sandy pine'.. it took three sheets of the pine and the scraps  gave me plenty of left over wood to add a few more shelves.  My idea changed with each new screw that went in. The original design was not set in stone.
Once I removed everything from the space I gave the walls a fresh coat of white paint.

I rolled a white primer on each cut of wood, right in the closet,  before I put it all together.

The HD guy was good enough to put the measurement of each cut on the ends of the wood.  That saved me a lot of time and energy.

Then bit by bit each board went together.

I went through two large rolls of masking tape to hold the trim as I glued it to the raw edges of each shelf.

Every board is hooked with molly's both to the wall and to each other. I used over 80 of these little L brackets, along with liquid nails.
The entire unit is one strong fortress. I even tried to climb it just to be sure it would not fall down!

The only problem I had was figuring how to hang the long wood clothes rod.  The space was perfect but I had no idea how to make it secure and not bend in time, with the weight of all my clothes.

So I got the big idea of using heavy wood and putting holes in it for the 2" dowel. I then used strong molly's into L brackets and liquid nails to anchor the wood brackets to the wall.

My drill bits were small and I did not want to buy a large one so I took my time and drilled many holes to create a big one..  It may look crude but once I inserted the rod I used liquid nails and then wood filler. It vanished once painted.

I only have to hang the mirror and then tweak a few spots.
But all in all the bones of the closet are up and finished.

This has been quite a project. One that makes me smile and now I'm thinking of doing the other closets in the house.  My other two bed rooms have  standard closets and I'm thinking of putting in shelving on the right side of the clothes rod.  Will add more space for odds and ends. 
That is for another time.
In the mean time,,, 
"I love my new Closet" 
I told my daughter "I just want to sit in there and look at it"

 I am now actually using  my new little "dressing room" and  all my hair supplies are on the shelf next to the mirror.  Now I need to instal an electrical socket for my blow dryer. A bit of research and that should be an easy project.
I also need to paint a little stool that has been out in my store room to use while doing my hair.  I cut the legs shorter and now it's a comfee perfect size to sit in front of the mirror.

I'll be painting the stool. I really love the color below.

As of now I'm reading about electric because as I said, I need an outlet to plug in my hair dryer.  One of my fears, working with electric but I bought the socket and all the little things needed.  I'm going to give it a try since there is so much information on the net.

Ok, I did not put the new socket in myself. 
I called my handy man, but look how perfect.

 I did manage to finish the little stool. See how I did it Here

One thing I learned, never be afraid to take on such a project, no matter how big or small your closet space is, it's amazing how much room you will have if you just get it organized with shelving... and, of all the projects I've done in my home, this
Closet Make Over is the one that has me smiling the most.

One more important thing, I did call a contractor before I tackled this project and he said it would run between
$1500. and $3000. to do this (plus materials).  
I spent all of $245.00 so far.
Not bad!
(doing the happy dance here)

 As I've said before, "Never be afraid to tackle such a project"
If you really want something,
Just do it!

I'm linking up to



  1. Fantastic finish!!! If you don't mind spending just a bit more before you tackle the next closet, they do have a crill insert that will drill those dowel holes with ease...and you can use it to make the holes in bird houses, too.

  2. I have such closet envy! It looks great!

  3. You are one smart cookie!! You figured it out and did it right. You get extra credit for persistence. I liked the idea of writing the dimensions on the ends of the boards and painting in the closet. Ann

  4. Incredible transformation! It must feel so good to have this project behind you. It came out beautiful!


  5. Thanks for the kind words Sandy! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your blog!
    Great job on the closet as well.

  6. I hate to say this Sis but four of your pictures would not open! You did a fantastic job on your closit and saved a bundle to boot!! LOVE you

  7. looks awesome great job enjoy your closet

  8. WHAT A PROJECT! Girl, you did a fantastic job...if I had worked that hard and wonderfully, I would want to sit in the closet and look at it too! Thanks for sharing how you did it with us. I saw your post over at the challenge at Funky Junk Interiors.

  9. Absolutely wonderful! I used to design closets way back when and I know how expensive they can be. You did a fantastic job! Way to go! Thank you for sharing with us at TTF this week! Have a great day.

  10. Amazing! You go girl!! I too am braving the closets in my home, and with all the hard work it's taking, I can truly say that you have tackled a mountain and WON! Your closet looks fabulous!

  11. Hi Sandy! I am back to let you know that I will be featuring this post on this week's TTF party. I hope you will join us again and stop by to get your "I Was Featured" button for your blog! Have a great day!

  12. Wow...This looks amazing!!

    I would love for you to link this to my Flaunt It Friday link party! Also, follow my new blog Blissful Bucket List! :)

  13. You did a really great job of this,I'm really impressed. I would love to redo mine too.

  14. I am SO VERY IMPRESSED! Everything from tackling such a HUGE job to space planning to cutting the legs off that barstool to make it shorter and more functional! Very Clever! You did an amazing job!

  15. such an awesome job, sandy! i would love a closet like this! and doing it yourself saved a ton of buy more shoes:) oh, love the stool, too!

  16. Wow! You are truly inspiring! I love the fact that when the stool wasn't the right size, you just cut it down! I never would have even thought about that--that's what I call thinking outside the box. I'm so impressed with your entire project! I would love to have you stop by my studio on the tour when you get a chance. Patti in Texas

  17. Amazing work! Compliments :)

  18. Super job. It's such a great transformation.


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