

My "Blaze of Glory? Update on her growth.

 Back in April I received my "Blaze of Glory" climbing rose bush.  It looked like this when it came in the mail from the Jackson and Perkins catalog.  I planted it April 3rd, in a 60 gal pot.

 I took a photo on May 1st of the first blooms and thought, wow, look how fast she is growing.

Although I was a skeptic, the rose bush is growing in leaps and bounds.  The photo below is from yesterday, June 10, and it's taller than me and doing so well.  We have had a full week of rain and I'm wondering if it might be getting too much water?  Yesterday and today the sun is out and it's in the 90's,  so she has a chance to dry out a bit.

So far there has been no work on my part.  I simply planted it in a good size pot with the good potting soil and let her go.  I may just order another for my back deck but I'm afraid there might not be enough sun back there?
This spot gets about 7 hours of full sun and she is growing faster than I could imagine.  
 Might just need more room for her to grow since the trellis is rather small. Maybe if I just keep wrapping her in and out of the spaces she might do well. Or, should I just tie her to one side because how will I prune her properly if she is winding in and out?  This is my first attempt at growing a climbing rose bush and I've got a lot to learn.
I'll update in a few months as I'm so enjoying watching my "Blaze of Glory" flourish!

"Enjoy your week everyone"

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  1. Wow. Sort of like Jack and the Beanstalk but much prettier! :D

  2. So beautiful!!!You are so lucky to have this to watch grow!!

  3. It's coming along so nicely Sis, I'm glad you have such a pretty front yard to make you smile first thing in the morning!!! LOVE you

  4. Gorgeous! I remember the previous post on this rose - she's come along beautifully.

  5. My all time favorite--red roses--Beautiful. . .

  6. Gorgeous rose! (And you have a lovely name.)

  7. My Blaze of Glory ordered from the same company does not look as good as yours....sigh Mine is in the ground though...

  8. Beautiful! I wouldn't worry about the rain--it pours here in the Pacific Northwest, and we have huge roses here. Also, full sun is really important with roses, although in your warm climate you might get away with a bit more shade than we can here. I've read that climbing roses like to go horizontally in order for the hormones in the rose stems to produce the most roses, so that could make a difference in how you decide to trellis it. If you need it to go vertically, I've seen where people wrap the rose canes around a pole, so they are still mostly horizontal for good flowering, but don't take up a lot of room because they are growing upward. Best of luck with your rose!

  9. Sandy, Your Blaze rose is really lovely!

  10. i am so glad you shared this post over here at this weeks garden party - it's just what i needed to see! i recently planted a new climbing rose and it's taking its own sweet time getting started...your post gives me 'hope' that mine will be okay (in time of course)! xoxo, tracie

  11. So lovely! The rose's progress is wonderful! Just wait until next year - there really will be a Blaze of Glory! Delightsome post! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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