

Monday Morning and "TS Debbie" has stalled over us.....

Floridians are funny people... An annoying Tropical Storm comes over and dumps tons of water and wind into the area..  it howls for 19 hours and when the eye of sorts comes over today this is what they do while they wait for the next round to come through.

The sea is perfect for boarding in such winds,  but the rip currents are deadly.  So they take to the streets.
"Lady Debbie" has stalled over Tampa Bay and she will be sending more of the back end feeder bands here around noon today.  


We had a night of Tornados, high winds and much flooding but  I'm sorry to say we lost one woman who was trying to hold her little girl during a tornado.  Thankfully the 3yr old is ok!
There is much damage to homes and neighborhoods. By some stroke of luck the back end will be a bit nicer to us...
I see the winds picking up once again.
If anyone out there has a huge fan, turn it on and blow this TS out of here, will ya!

OK... back to my knitting.  I finished a pull over sweater for my grandson yesterday.  Working on #2 today.

"Stay safe everyone in TS Debbie's path"


  1. Sandy! Hunker Down!
    that's what we say here in TEXAS when the wind is windy-ing all over the place and the rain is blowing in side-ways.
    Sad about the family that lost it's Momma-- prayers for you and yours.
    ~see you on the other side of the storm, Pat

  2. It all sounds terrifying, but I love the thought of you knitting your way through the storm!

  3. Wow, you really did get hit! My husband left for work just before 4 a.m. this morning and the rain and wind kicked up. Nothing like what you have though! We're going to a concert at the Tampa Bay Times forum this Thursday so I'm with you on blowing the storm out of here!!!

    Stay dry:)

  4. You stay safe too! I'm just a little north of you & we were lucky to only have alot of tree debris. I am amazed that the 10 inches of rain that fell here is mostly absorbed already. My heart goes out to those who have suffered damage & loss. In addition to the humans lost, I read about 2 dogs that washed away from their owners. So sad. Hope we weather the next bit - I'm sure your knitting will progress!

  5. Stay safe and run the storm our way. We are terribly dry.


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