

When the wind is fierce, baking is the answer...

We are in the home stretch of a fierce tropical storm and this morning   called for "Baking".  
So, at 6am I was in the kitchen putting two tablespoons of yeast in warm water then went about looking for a breakfast roll recipe. My favorite place to look is All Recipes dot com.  They have every kind of food made by real people like you and I.  This breakfast roll is made with simple ingredients and took only a resting time.. not two hours to rise.  
Was so easy!

Once all the ingredient's were put together, I let the mixer do the kneading.  Then I covered the ball of dough with a towel for about a half hour, just to rest.

Then I cut the dough into 7 little rolls. (I wanted them to be big).  Although the recipe said to just put them in the oven, the baker in me had to let the rolls rise for a half hour and they doubled in size.  Then to give them a special glaze I brushed a bit of egg white and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

 The whole house smelled like yeast and it took only 20 minutes  to bake.  I went for the sweet butter and had a piping hot roll and let me tell you,,, "They were great"!

Ahhhh, a bit of creamy butter and jam.
Go on wind, howl all you want!

 The tropical storm with all her fury has left the Tampa Bay area and is moving out to the Atlantic. The clean up has begun, homes damaged, streets totally flooded, lives lost and I wanted to personally say 

"Good Bye Debbie"

Auf Wiedersehen
  Ma'as Salaam
Au Revoir

I'm linking up to


  1. I have no idea what in the world I do wrong, but just give me any recipe with yeast and you can be sure that I will make a mess. I love rolls and these look amazing. Great job. Hugs, Marty

  2. We had our share of Debby too and I wound up making a big pot of spaghetti sauce and meatballs on Sunday while I was keeping dry staying home. Not your usual menu for summer in Florida! is my favorite place to find recipes too. Your post made me long for the smell of yeast!

    Robin Flies South

  3. Oh I wish we could get a bit of that rain. It is terribly dry here in Colorado with fires everywhere.

  4. Yum! I can almost smell that bread baking!

  5. I am glad to see you are all okay down there. What a great way to spend the time. Baking! Thanks for sharing.

  6. If there was only a way to send some of that water to Colorado.
    Anyway, glad you are safe and oh that food looks yummy!

    ~Naila Moon

  7. They look wonderful! I love to bake when things are stressful also. Hope you are safe and well.

  8. It looks like you found the perfect way to ride out the storm - I'm sure I could smell those rolls!

  9. These look wonderful. A friend just gave me a jar of her wonderful rhubarb jam that would be great on these.

  10. You're much more industrious than I would be in a tropical storm! :)

  11. hm...I can imagine the wonderful aroma of these fresh from the oven!

    Good to hear that things are calmer where you are!
    Blessings & Aloha!

  12. I am not sure I would be baking but I sure do like your results!

  13. Those photos are so good I could smell those coming out of the oven

    Too hot here in western PA for any baking though...

    So I'll have to eat yours in my imagination :)

  14. I love that yeasty smell! Rod asked me to please stop because he was gaining too much weight! Great post!!

  15. These look so yummy as I can't bake!

  16. Hello, This is a wonderful idea! Love baking bread - all is right with the world when you smell its wonderful goodness! We didn't get any of that storm, but have gotten some of the extreme heat and pop up thunderstorms - one power outage - so far so good! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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