

96' and I'm wearing Leg Warmers....

I wanted to join Jenny Matlock's Alphabet Thursday and her letter this week is "I". What better word or topic
than "I", as in me, myself and I.  

A few days ago I really killed my poor back.  
Since the tropical storm came over a few weeks ago and did so much damage it got me up and cleaning under the stairs.  That is our "safe room" for hurricanes and each year it seems to get so much stuff stored in there.  You know, stuff like suitcases and packed away Christmas decorations.  Well during the year it turns out to be the space we toss everything we're not using. 
I had to replace the batteries in lanterns and radio and get the blankets in order, also the box of food, water and kitchen items we may need... Then when the hurricanes come we just have to get in there.  The space is not very large and you must bend over to get in, but it's a perfect place to avoid a storms wrath. 
I got  it organized and dusted. then  threw out my back.
What does one do when you can't move in any direction?
 Sit still and knit!

My youngest daughter who has been living in very hot Guam for the past three years finally came back to the states and she and her family have no winter clothes.  Oklahoma City is their new duty station and she asked me to make her some items for the cold weather to come.  "Mom make me some leg warmers".  That's an easy request and what better time than when I have to sit still for a few days.

 I made my grandsons sweaters this past month and used the left over yarn to make these and I just love how they look.

Don't laugh but it's 96' outside (feels like 104') and here I am with my jeans, boots and leg warmers leaning against the wall trying to save my back.
 Suffer for the love of my blog!

 I really like how they turned out.  If only I could use leg warmers but I live in Florida and have no need for them.
I may be down for a few more days, the muscle relaxers are not working very well so I guess I'll make Gina another pair of leg warmers with other left over yarn that is in the stash!
I need to get a running total of all the knitted items I've made for her family this past few months. Really, that will be another post in a month or so.  The box full of winter knitted clothing will be sent out in September.
It's making me hot just thinking about sweaters and winter clothing.

Keep cool everyone!

I'm joining


  1. You are a One-in-a-million-Mum!
    Oh - and I think I have those same boot/shoes.

  2. Darn it sorry about your back : ( but your daughter will be warm this winter : ) I hope you get some rest and that you heal up fast.
    Thank you so much Sandy for visiting my studio today. I am happy to meet you!

  3. It is too bad you live in Florida- those look really cute on you!
    I like the colors.
    I haven't thought much about prepping for the storms this year... as the months for the storms have passed, but the weather is out of order here. I noticed tonight it looked bad outside - not normal of July! I should probably make some preparations myself.
    I'm so sorry about your back, I hope the meds are tolerable...and make the pain more toleable too.


  4. Sandy, you are so industrious! I love the leg warmers but can only imagine how warm they must have been in the heat. They sure are beautiful. What a change of climate for your daughter's family. Wow.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I know what that's like after I took that spill all the way down the staircase last winter. I hope you find some relief Soon!!

  5. I never thought I'd warm up to leg warmers (pun intended), but after the cold winter we had last year I'm ready to warm up to anything that will keep ME warm!

  6. Hi,
    It is so nice to meet you and I hope your back is feeling better. Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comments about my blog.

    The leg warmers are adorable.
    Get well soon.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your back ~ I've struggle for years with mine so I know how a-w-f-u-l it can be! Great to see you've got fun activities to keep your hands busy though (vital necessity!) and your work is gorgeous!
    Loved visiting~

  8. Oh Sandy...NO.....! I'm so sorry for your back...and after doing all that you did to have a safe emergency place to take shelter. That hardly seems fair.

    Get your much needed rest...take care of YOU now..and keep on knitting, cause you did a great job! I love those leg warmers!

    I clicked on over to your blog from Karen's list for Where Bloggers Create. feel free to visit my studio space if you like. It's been so much fun to share.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina
    your newest follower

  9. Hope you feel better very soon, Sandy! Your leg warmers are lovely. I'm sure your daughter will enjoy them. You are a very talented knitter.
    xo Beth

  10. Feel better soon! Backaches are the worst.

  11. OUCH! I hope you are free from back pain soon!

  12. So sorry to hear about your back. Hope it's feeling better soon. Those leg warmers are pretty nice looking!

  13. Great leg warmers. And, I really like your shoes too!

  14. You do very nice work! I hope your back gets better soon. Sounds like you are making great use of your time in spite of it!

  15. Love those cute leg warmers!!!
    XO, Aimee

  16. Interesting to meet someone who has a hidey-hole for hurricanes! I've only heard of such things on the news. You live dangerously!

  17. Sandy, good deal on your "I" word being the "I word" itself. :)
    Here is hoping that your back gets a lot better real quick. Also save some of those Georgia Peach turnovers. They look soooo good!

    Thank you for peeking in on my "I" word. Your comment gave me a little chuckle. Thank you again for it. :)

  18. Many thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Such an interesting *I* post – great pics of legwarmers & peach turnovers!

    Have a great weekend too!

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  19. When I read the title I thought you were 96 and wearing leg warmers! As a fellow Floridian I miss wearing knitted goodies too but am happy to see you are busy contributing your yarn to great causes:)

  20. So sorry about your back. I know how much that can hurt!

    At least you have something to distract you! Stay cool, we are dealing with some triple digits out here also!!!



  21. So sorry about your back. I know how much that can hurt!

    At least you have something to distract you! Stay cool, we are dealing with some triple digits out here also!!!



  22. HAHA, when I first started reading I thought you were saying YOU were 96 and wearing leg warmers, so I just had to keep reading. Sorry about your back but what a good mom/grandma you are!!!

  23. DH and I were stationed on Guam a million years ago (actually in the late 70s). I don't remember that it was all that hot because the temperature is moderated by the ocean, but we definitely didn't need anything resembling winter clothes and we were in shock when we found ourselves in Connecticut for our first winter back in the states. It was quite a struggle to convince a 3-year-old who had never worn anything but shorts and flip-flops that coats, hats, mittens, and boots were all essential clothing!

  24. What an incredible Mom you are!

    Willing to suffer for your daughter!

    Those leg warmers are mighty cute, but since I live in Arizona and it is wickedly monsoonish right now this gave me another hot flash! ha!

    Thanks for linking! This was a fun and interesting post!



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