

Georiga Peaches are here.

Such an achy week this has been and I'm happy to say my poor back pain has subsided. So what did I do but get in the car and go to the grocery store.  Mother hubbards cupboard has been getting bare! 

 On the way to the store I spotted a sign saying "Georgia Peaches".  
I just love it when the peach farmers drive down to Florida and set up shop along the road ways.  
"Georgia peaches are fabulous" 

This calls for Peach Turnovers and I got busy in the kitchen.

 After cutting the peaches, I added a bit of sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and some Corsica Mint. I have several mint plants growing out on my deck.  This mint is so tiny and has such a wonderful aroma and sharp taste. Corsica Mint is what is used in Creme De Menthe liquor. 
I cooked the mixture just long enough to soften the peaches and thicken the juice.

 Although these mint leaves are tiny I gave them a bit of a chop to release the oils.

This is where I cheated a bit by using store bought pie dough. I found that if I keep a few packages in the freezer I can bake when ever I felt the need.

After folding the peach mixture into dough squares I let them bake for about 15 minutes at 425',  then put a bit of powered sugar frosting on top... yummmm, these need to be eaten warm.

 I wish you all could smell my kitchen when these are baking.

Have a lovely week everyone! 

I'm joining

I'd love to talk about my flowers but we have been having much too much rain and their all gone, so I'll talk about my Mint


  1. Mmmm... that sounds and L@@Ks delicious!
    I haven't had fresh peaches in a few years. I'd have to drive to Dallas to get a good batch of fresh peaches.

    The Honey would love if I made him a turn over like this.

    thinking a little vanilla ice cream would make a great topper,

  2. Oh Sandy,
    These look heavenly! I can almost smell them from here. Sounds so quick and easy, too. There's nothing like fresh peaches.
    Thanks for your sweet visit. I'm following you and hope you can make it to the party on Wednesday!

  3. Sandy, those Georgia farmers don't travel far enough South. All we get is the peaches at the grocery store and rarely are they just right. Either unripe or over ripe. I do have fond memories of traveling in the summer as a kid when we always stopped for peaches near the Florida/Georgia border on the way home from our travels. Maybe I'll get lucky and score a good one at the store at least one time this year. Occasionally it does happen. Enjoy your turnovers. I'm going to imagine sitting down to a nice plate with one right now! :) (one you made, of course. It's always better when someone else makes such things.)

  4. Oh my goodness - those look delicious! I can't wait for some enterprising farmer to bring a truckload from the Okanagan!

  5. Ooh, they look so yummy! Peaches are my favorite.
    ♥ Terrie ♥

  6. Oh my gush that is so yummy! Now i am drooling just by looking at it!

    Mary, MI

  7. This desert looks heavenly....peaches are my favorite fruit in the whole wide world to eat. Nice job on the photos too.
    Joyce M

  8. love these they sound awesome come see what I shared at

  9. Looks delicious! I love the container that you have for the mint too. Stopping by from Outdoor Wednesday.

  10. Looks absolutely delicious! I ordered some CO peaches, but they won't be delivered for a month... :( It's one of my favorite things about summer!

  11. Looks delicious! There's nothing like fresh peaches.

  12. Your turnovers look SO good! I enjoyed hearing about your Corsica mint too.

  13. Georgia peaches and turnover pie? Wow, it certainly looks very delicious!


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