

Did you ever get so upset that you wanted to kick something?

Not too often do I get so upset that I have to take a step back and regroup or possibly kick something!
This past week my favorite statue, one that has been sitting on my back deck for years,  was blown off the deck rail and smashed the poor Angels  head right off into 5 pieces!
"I wanted to cry" 
She has been wired to the tree but the rain storm blew so hard the other night and smash!

She fell one floor down onto the ground between two large oak trees and all I could do was put her in the kitchen sink for a bath.
I had to try and save her.

Out came the liquid nails. I then went to work seeing if I could piece her head together.

A bit of glue and some masking tape and by golly I think I did it.
There may still be a few holes where I could not patch so I got out the water proof plaster and sealed her even further.  She will be out in the weather you know!

I tied her to the tree with strong fishing wire that I doubled up and intertwined around her wings and body, then used a really nice sticky tape made to hold corners of carpets,  to anchor her to the deck rail.

And I did not have to kick anyone or anything!

My Angel  has always been the first thing I saw from my kitchen window as I filled the kettle, and it would have been sad to loose her.

I'm linking up to


  1. I'm so glad you were able to save your darling little angel! She is a beauty. I just wish the resin statues were more durable. I have some little cherubs that I've glued time and again too.

    You did a MUCH better job than I did, though!

  2. I'm so happy that you were able to fix her!!! LOVE U

  3. She looks as good as new, well done!

  4. Well done - in your next life you'll have to take up plastic surgery!

  5. Wow! Good job saving her. I did that recently to a really pretty handpainted bowl I had, but it was beyond repair.

  6. You did a great job on her....I hate losing something I love, just by accident....I know it is no ones fault, but I still don't like it!

  7. Good for you! It would have been terrible not have your little angel to look at first thing every morning. You did a great job, she looks just fine………….

    The French Hutch

  8. You did an amazing job healing her broken ness! She is so lovely and you are an angel in your own right! Have a terrific weekend.

  9. You did a great job in saving the angel! Just had a thought, I wonder how many times God has used angels to save us from being "broken"!

  10. You would never guess she had been broken at all! So glad you made the effort to save her! Ann

  11. Oh Sandy! Your patience in piecing her back together is inKredible! You can't tell she's ever been broken!

    I think she's going to watch over you and bless you even more now that you've saved her!

    Thanks for a great link for the letter 'K'.


  12. Oh, I missed this post.
    I think you did a good job saving your Angel.
    She looks lovely and you can't even tell. I do that...try to save a broken piece or find a use for what's left!



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