

What do you do with your spare time? I knit because it calms me....

For the past three months I have been on a knitting frenzy.  
This is what I do in my spare time. I love to knit and can knit without a pattern. I'm not saying the items turn out perfect. I just look at a photo and do the best I can.
 Winter in Oklahoma is cold and my daughter and her three small boys have no winter clothing.  I told her as she starts to get their wardrobe of cold weather clothes together to wait on the hats and scarves till grandma's box arrives. 
I did not count all the items made but I can say the three small boys have two sets of hats and scarves.

My daughter has two sets of leg warmers and 4 scarves with one matching hat along with an eternity scarf. 

 I really love all the new yarns we now have to choose from, so many different textures and colors.

This one should keep Gina's head and neck warm.

 Lets not forget Dad,  my son in law. I made the scarf extra wide so he could wrap it around his nose and face during those cold winter Oklahoma ice and snow storms.

  For the boys I made each  a sweater.  I only had two complete and they went in the box.  I'm still working on the third sweater and that will go with me when I fly there in three weeks.  Yes, grandma is going to visit.  It will be so nice to see the kids once again.. I only had the pleasure once in the past three years. Guam is so far and that tiny island did not have the kind of  trauma center that could take care of me if needed.  I  could not trust my heart on such a long trip. Imagine if I had trouble and was in a plane over some South Pacific island.. what would they do with me?  So we  kept in touch through Face Time.  The kids did come visit once as the plane fair ran them, for a family of 5, close to $10,000.  really!  Thankfully here in Florida,both grandmas live within 5 hours by car, from each other.


The package is in the mail.   I've gotten in the habit of sending a box ahead of me when I fly.  This box would cost who knows what to put on a plane, so this has become what we who travel do, instead of paying to stow it on commercial.

I've got to think of something new to do while sitting.  Maybe I'll make myself a new sweater?  Or I can start on a layette for child number 4.  My daughter and her husband are thinking of their next production, a little girl.  Gina said, "there is much too much Testosterone floating around her home".  Then she laughed and said, "You watch mom, I'll have twin boys"!

We will see?

I'm linking up to


  1. Sandy,
    What a super sweet box filled with hand knitted items for everyone. I bet your family is so looking forward to Grandma's visit.
    My grandma was a crotchet queen. She passed away many years ago but I so treasure the items that she made for me when I was a child.

  2. What sweet items, all knit with love. I love to knit too ... such a great way to relax.

  3. Wow! You have been busy! i don't knit. My grandma try to teach me and I just couldn't grasp it. Then my mom tried to teach me to crochet. same results! LOL So, I always admire people with these skills! Thank you for sharing at TTF and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi I found your blog from a linky all your items are really pretty and your family is blessed enjoy your visit OK is HOT in the summer really HOT I lived there for 20+ years but gotta say Texas where I live now is hotter lol


  5. Beautiful things!! I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu


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