

From one who does not like Candy Apples, these are the best!

It makes no difference what you may call these apples, I've never been a fan of Caramel or Candy Apples until my daughter brought 3 of the most wonderful apples home from a sweet Cafe called Bouchons in Vegas.  
My teeth always hated being stuck in the gooey chewy toppings put on the treats that always comes to the stores in the fall of each year. But these delights were spectacular.  Really....... Gina brought out the cutting board and a large knife while the family gathered around the kitchen table and she cut a slice of each for all to taste. The gooey covered apples were so rich I don't think anyone could have eaten a whole one.

The candy shoppe in the Cafe gave their customers so many flavors to choose from.  The one I loved the best was covered with a creamy caramel and fresh crunchy pecans.  If only I could share the taste with you all.

If your a gourmet chocolate lover the one with the dark and white chocolate was a dream come true. But it only took two bites for me to be satisfied, it was that rich.

The family, 6 of us ate until we all said, enough!  The three gourmet covered Candy Apples were gone! For me, it's a good thing the candy shoppe is much too far from Florida or I would be there regularly because I love dark chocolate and caramel, especially covered with pecans.

I think this may be a project for the Fall, making some of these wonderful caramel apples.  I'm going to try to make fresh caramel and cover the sweet organic apples, then with the pecans.  I read somewhere if you use evaporated milk the caramel will be smooth and not get hard and chewy?  It will be fun to recreate.

If anyone knows of a good caramel recipe please leave me a comment and I'll give it a try.
I've been reading on many blogs Fall is in the air up north. Here in OKC it was still hot, 104' today. Send some of that air down here will ya!
Thanks to all.

I'm linking this yummy post up to


  1. I want to try all the favors. I don't think I had ever eater a candy apple but there's first time for everything and these looks good even in just pictures.

    have a great day.

  2. How wonderful! But I love carmel apples anyway!

  3. Oh man! those candied apples do look good!

    I can't hardly eat a whole either.
    Sounds like you're getting the same weather trend that we are here in TEXAS... HOT!
    It's the Labor Day special...held over just for you, Sandy.

    ...take care now, Pat

  4. I am not big on eating lots of sweets ( I know, very weird!) but I admit these look quite tasty!

  5. Ooooooh ~ Yummy ~ Great photos ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    thanks for 'coming by.'

  6. You had me at Pecans, but those apples look absolutely scrumptious! I might have to check out my local farmers market to see if they have any unique candy apples.

  7. They look delicious Sandy. I used to look forward to a candied apple each fall but haven't had one in years. Wish I could taste one of yours.

  8. oh my gosh, you did NOT just show me this deliciousness. you are taunting me, lol! i get a fancy pants one of these for my birthday every year (it's in october) and they are so ridiculously good. it's that layer of caramel between the choc and the apple. sigh.

  9. I never heard of candy apples but they look delicious . What a wonderful treat.

  10. Your photos are so wonderful, I can almost taste them!
    The gooey apples are no doubt more easily eaten cut into pieces and shared.
    Maybe I'll make some this Fall, too. And yes, pecans will be involved! Do post a good recipe if you find one.

  11. They look delicious, and would make a wonderful project for fall, indeed!

  12. Oh! I love candied apples...of every kind! These look super yummy!

    Catching up on some blog visits through Alphabe-thursday...
    Hope you have some time to stop by my P post.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  13. Wow.

    These are practically perfect in every way.

    The ONLY thing wrong with them is that I didn't get to share that dark chocolate one!


    What a delicious link to the letter "P".



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