

Week One and Labor Day in OKC....

One full week with the boys and this I promise you all  will be grandma's last post on the boys themselves. 
They are a handful to say the least.  It's been years since I've taken care of such active kids and this woman is just not used to 24/7 although I remember having my own years ago.. Was it this busy?  Yep!
The reason I say 24/7 is as I said in my last post, Mom and Dad went on a romantic weekend to Vegas and I'm in charge!
Each day we have done or baked something fun. Today's fair, Sugar Cookies.

 Funny how I forgot how small Lego's can be or is it my eyes?  I brought each a small kit and it took almost two hours but we got them together!

Then the screams began, "Grandma look at the big bug"!!  Have you ever seen such a moth. Must be an Oklahoma thing?  It's the largest one I've ever seen!  Thankfully it was outside the window.

 Day two, cupcakes!

 Last night Mom and Dad sent me a text with their photo from the Blue Man show. Looking happy and that makes me smile.

 I had to send a photo of my own... the boys and I thought this might make their parents laugh!
All I said with the photo was "HELP ME".  Of course their reaction was laughter.
(sorry for the blurrr, the boys took turns with the camera and this was the best they could do.)

 Although I'm kept pretty busy the boys do manage to sit still when it's reading time. Each take turns with a book of their choice.  These kids have no TV in their house and it's nice to see them busy with other things. That's when I get to work on my crocheting. I'm making it for their living room sofa and it will stay once I fly home.

 Of all the work and all the noise,, this grandma had her heart melt when 6 yr old Joell gave me this drawing.
I so love these boys and the best part, "They like me".

 This is my last night alone with these wonderful children. I still have a few weeks more here in OKC and look forward to my time with my daughter.  I've sure missed her sweet smile since she went out into the world on her own,  got married to a great guy and is raising such a wonderful family and this my friends is all a mom could ask for.

Today is Labor Day, Mom and Dad are home and all the family are outside for a BBQ.  It's literally 103' out and grandma is not used to such heat so I'm in and out of the house but mostly in the a/c.  

Hope you all spent this holiday with those you love.



  1. Hi Sandy~
    Looks like you're having a great time in OKC...
    grand kids are fun. I think it is great you're getting all you cookie making done in one visit.
    We've had some of those huge moths around our place this summer- surprising since we have the chickens.
    Enjoy the rest of your time there--
    I'll cut it short this time, as you're all tied up!
    =) Pat

  2. Hi Sandy~
    Looks like you're having a great time in OKC...
    grand kids are fun. I think it is great you're getting all you cookie making done in one visit.
    We've had some of those huge moths around our place this summer- surprising since we have the chickens.
    Enjoy the rest of your time there--
    I'll cut it short this time, as you're all tied up!
    =) Pat

  3. Looks like everyone was having a wonderful time! Great Pics!

  4. So good to hear that you're having such a good time and getting to know your grandsons! LOVE the picture of Joell with Grandma, ONE eye?? Hi to Gina & Eddie, LOVE you sis!

  5. the photo of you and the boys is too funny. so glad you're having a fun time with them, and yikes, glad that bug was outside, too!

  6. you doing really good job, loved your post .... keep it up !


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