

"Happy Birthday" to my Mom....

My mom left us on Mothers Day 1998 and my life has never been the same. 
Today September 11, I have to send out into the Heavens a very "Happy Birthday" wish to this woman who gave me life and how I miss her.

Mom at 16 yrs old


 How come years later
you still can't wait to
tell her something
before you remember
how long she has been gone?
How come every time
you see something beautiful
you think "Oh my Mom
would love this."
And every time
there is a hurt so big
your heart can't hold it
she is the first one you need.
Every joy that comes
could only be better
if you could
share it with her.
And every tragedy
makes you thank God
she doesn't have to
suffer through it.
 How come no matter how much
you miss your Mom
just thinking about her
somehow still comforts
and heals?

I'd bake a cake for you if I could.
I'd take you out for Shrimp Fried Rice
or to Arby's.  
Anything you want mom.

"I love you"


  1. Happy Birthday to your Mom. She must have been a real special lady. I get teary-eyed when I think of my mom not being with us one day. Hope you are comforted by your sweet memories. Just wanted to stop by and tell you thanks for visiting Posed Perfection today and leaving me a sweet comment about the Ozark Apple Cake. I hope you enjoy it. Please come back and visit soon and maybe even follow me back. I'm your newest follower. Have a great week.

  2. I know how much you love and miss you mom, especially on "special days" like today. My dear mother has been gone since 1988, and I still think "I have to tell mama this", then remember she is gone. So many, many things I wish I could have shared with her, but, like you, there are many things that have happened that I am glad she did not have to endure. I think one of God's greatest gifts is that of memory--for our loved ones are always here, in our hearts and minds. Blessings.


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