

Just could not finish this Afgan quickly enough...

 It's taken me two weeks to get this Afgan finished.  I normally would have had it finished quicker but this one took so much longer.  Being here at my daughters with all the living that is done in this house,  well you can imagine how hard it would be to sit.  I've been having such a good time with my grandsons and sitting still has not been in the picture.  The spot for the Afgan when I must get up was on the carpet, near my seat on the sofa.  The words seemed to echo around the house, "Don't touch grandma's crochet" and when one child sees me coming they quickly run from the room.

 I found this (stitch) pattern on the PBS Show "Knitting Today".  It was so easy to do and made for a nice design.

 Once I completed the size needed I used a simple edging to go around and finish it off.

 I think I started something.  My daughter loves it and said, "Mom, there are 5 of us in this house and we will be fighting over it once the cold weather sets in"....hmmm?  guess I need to make a few more!  I told her she needed some color this time since her furniture is all greys and browns. "How bout Orange", I said.  
We will see after I get home?

After the hot dry summer we all have been having I for one am looking forward to the chilly evenings and wrapping up in a cozy Afgan sounds heavenly, don't you think?
Well my visit here in OKC is winding down and I'll be flying early this weekend.  Time to think about packing all the stuff I've gathered here.  Wish I could put my kids in the suitcase along with me but I'll be back in the Spring for another wonderful visit. Hopefully one not as quick as this visit seems to have been. But then most trips come and go so fast!
I'm thinking of all the weeds in my garden and how tall they must be. I'll be busy next week....

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  1. What a lovely afghan! The pattern is really nice, interesting without being too complicated looking. I've been working on squares for an afghan but haven't made much progress either. It's getting toward that time of year though!

  2. got the pattern on Knitting Daily? But it's a crochet pattern?

    I like the looks of it. I would like to make one.

  3. It is beautiful. I'd like the instructions to make that cross over stitch. Yes, I think you need four more. xo Jenny

  4. love it. I am in the middle of a HUGE crochet project and I can't believe you finished this so quickly. Great job. Came over from trendy treehouse link up and can't wait to see more of your projects

  5. I'm not sure I'm ready to curl up and wait for winter yet! But if I were, I'd want that warm afghan to curl up's so pretty!

  6. it's beautiful. and i can feel the warmth!

  7. Over the years, my MIL crocheted afghans for my children as well as baby blankets. The kids loved them and enjoyed using them. Now that they are older, the throws are all packed away waiting for the day they want to use them again.
    This afghan you have created is absolute gorgeous. I love it. Beautiful work!

  8. a gorgeous afgan! I can see how there might be some jealousy over who gets to cuddle with Grandma's masterpiece :)

  9. Oh wow that afghan is beautiful. I love the stitches and the color. Great choice.

  10. Afghan is gorgeous and so creative! Sounds like a wonderful visit and that your are a very treasured person ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Quite lovely! I envy your talent! So beautiful! We have the same post title! LOL! Mine is real different form yours! HaHa! I hope you come visit! Have a terrific time with the family!

  12. This is so pretty. I love the color you chose and the pattern.

  13. Rod's mum tried to teach me to crochet MANY times, but for some reason, I just could not get it! I have knitted an afghan, but it has no where near the interesting pattern.

  14. Beautiful afghan! I crochet and cannot even imagine completing it in two weeks, much less quicker!! Sounds like you'll be crocheting a few more!

  15. What?! Two weeks to finish!!??? It would take me two lifetimes to start and then an eternity longer to finish. Beautiful afghan! I have no talent in that arena! :)

  16. Really, really nice pattern Sis, I'll definately get this from you!! LOVE you

  17. I am stopping by from Freckled Laundry/Jami's party. Love the afghan and what a great stitch and pattern. I am sure your family will miss you too. Making one for each of them sounds like a great idea.

  18. Hello.
    My wife used to crochet when she had the time and it gave me great pleasure watching her with all her needles. This is a beautiful pattern and you have done an awesome job! I wouldn't mind one of those for myself! (lol) Thanks for sharing.

    Quench My Fire

  19. I've never been able to get the hang of this craft.

    I have such a lovely image in my mind of you working with the scurry of a busy household around you.

    Your Grandlittles will remember you making that...and it will be a family treasure!

    Quite lovely work!

    Thank you for sharing it.


  20. Nice... I love the variations in the pattern. You do beautiful even stitches.

  21. That is beautiful, Sandy. I can't believe you think two weeks was a long time for that pattern. I admire those that can knit or crochet. Someday, I will take a class. I think it be so calming to sit and knit. Thank you for sharing with air your laundry friday!

  22. That is beautiful, Sandy. I can't believe you think two weeks was a long time for that pattern. I admire those that can knit or crochet. Someday, I will take a class. I think it be so calming to sit and knit. Thank you for sharing with air your laundry friday!


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