

My Visit with the boys is winding down....

Today was spent taking over 300 photos with my grandchildren. I wanted just one, to frame for my home, so I could remember this special time. Gina planted us on the grass in her back yard and the shutter on her Canon just clicked away. I have them saved on a memory stick to sort through after I get home.
  The past three weeks has flown by as most vacations do. 
 I also spent a bit of time today trying to see if I could get all my stuff back in the one suitcase I came with and so far so good.. except the kids kept giving me their toys to remember them by.

I'm not going forever I tried to tell them and when they left the room to go study I had to take the toys out of the case and hide them as to not insult these sweet grandsons.  While I tried to make sense out of my packing my daughter was teaching "Ancient Babylonia" to the boys... when they finished the two hour session they all got to work making a food of the time,  "Hammurabi Flat Bread" with Falafel.  When Gina teaches World History she always ends each session with a food from that country.

I took a walk around the house looking for all the special things given to me.  The boys had signs hanging on my arrival and these will grace my fridge once home.  They even made a sign for my two cats,, "Rikki and Daisy".

I'll see this closet in my third eye for some time to come... after all, I spent quite a bit of time in there putting toys back at the end of the day.

This little plaque says it all.

I'll be flying back to Florida really early Saturday morning with the most wonderful smile on my face.  But I'll only be gone for the winter as I'll be back in March to help my kids welcome their newest production. 
The weather in OKC changed today, it's chilly and Fall is in the air. This woman wants no part of winter and snow so I keep on the go.
Just call me a Florida Snow Bird!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Now... how come I didn't know your daughter home schooled? Did I forget this important (to me) information?

    This is wonderful... your time with the kids will have lasting memories.
    I know you will be missed when you leave there.
    We had nice temps today low 80's... I hope it was nice for y'all...outside taking photos!

    I will be home schooling my Littles... (Coordinating w/ my 2 daughters and Consulting really)
    I guess you can say, I'm coming out of retirement!

    hope your trip home is safe...

  2. Hey Sis, so glad you had such a loving time and remember I'll be comming to bug you soon!! LOVE you


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