

It's nice being missed, look what I came home to!

 When your gone from home for close to a month you like to know your missed and coming home to "Orchids" are a great sign that you were.. 
Yes, Mr. N missed me!  
Aren't they nice!

 That little paper tucked in is no other than a gift certificate for
 "drum roll"

a Mani-Pedi! Whoohoo!
(Oh my feet are dancing all ready)

 Besides my homecoming gift, the week before leaving  I took photos of my outside Orchids with a sad heart knowing I'd miss their blooming...

 But they waited for me, to see their splendor.

"Yes, they waited for me"

 This was indeed a "Happy Homecoming", well, almost.  Now I have to clean because the pets and the Mr. left me some areas that I'd rather not speak of.... 

"There's no place like home"

Cottage Garden Party 


  1. Oh! that is so sweet...
    nice to know that we are missed. Now that orchid makes up for all the little messes. Hope you got to play around outside today.
    We had soft rain all temps and some nice relaxation.

    ...welcome home! Pat

  2. It is so nice to know one is missed, is it not?! How wonderful that your Orchids waited for you. Don't stress that there is lots to do, you are home, and that is all that matters. Spend time with your loved ones, it will all get done in time.

  3. Very sweet of Mr. N!!! Welcome home Sis... LOVE you

  4. That is very very sweet! Your orchids are gorgeous!


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