

My Boys and their Christmas Jammie's

The Boys got their box yesterday and they just love their Christmas Jammie's.

I did a post a few weeks ago on how I made them, you can see this post  Here

I also made Mom and Dad a pair and amazing enough all fit, except little Alex's are a bit too long so mom did a quick hem.

The Perez Boys, how I love them all.

I'm sharing this post with Jenny over at


  1. All four boys have handsome smiles. :)

  2. What a great idea to make them their jammies. They all look handsome and happy

  3. Precious---both the jammies and the boys! I hope they sleep in them Christmas Eve, so they will have them on in the Christmas morning pictures!

  4. I love this idea for Christmas! All matching jammies for the family. I looked in a catalog and they are so cute. Yours look fabulous and just as cut and you saved a bundle by making them yourself, very smart. Such cute little models too...........

    The French Hutch

  5. All so cute in the matching jammies!

  6. such handsome dudes ~ Wonderful photos for the holiday ~ and 'B' ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. wow! what a great Christmas morning you must have with those three wonderful little guys! and, I love their new pjs!

  8. Such precious smiles! Great pictures.


  9. a great idea! thanks for the inspiration. darling family.

  10. So cute! What a great idea to make their jammies! I have all boys as well and have been on the hunt for cute ones with no luck!

  11. What wonderful tradition! The jammies look so comfortable.

  12. What a handsome bunch! I love the idea of the Christmas jammies - we do that too! One day I'll get inspired to try to make them - that would be fun!

  13. They look like four peas in a pod -- how handsome they are! I like the way you added the appliques to the tees!

  14. Wow, you made those? They look so comfy and I love the design of the fleece pants!

  15. Your boys are very handsome. Love their matching jammies pants.

  16. What gorgeous boys!

    We always do Christmas jammies, but it never occurred to me to make them. What a lovely idea!

  17. Your boys are all very handsome and they sure look cute in your PJs! Nice tradition!

  18. How fun! And what a grand tradition. One set of grandkids' moms alternates making and buying special PJs each Christmas - it's the one gift they open on Christmas Eve and makes for such adorable photos! :)

  19. If this comment duplicates I apologize! But your boys here are handsome and they look so warm and cute in their new PJs!

  20. Ah! This is such a very nice post. Real cool and handsome boys as well.

  21. What a fabulous idea!

    I think I'm going to attempt this.

    It's quite hard to find matching jammies for my son and our Grandlittles. Son is 6'8", daughter-in-law, 5' and girls all range in between. It's that tall number that throws everything off!

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful boys with us!


  22. Beautiful family! I made jammies for my bunch one Christmas before there were so many of us :) It was fun to see pics of them all wearing them. Thanks for linking up with me.


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