

My Holiday Decorations are almost finished...

Yesterday I went to Michaels after Thanksgiving Saturday sale and all the Christmas decorations were 60% off and I also had a 20% coupon for the entire purchase,  if I used it before noon.  Haha, I bought some really good items and for some reason it boosted my spirit.
Mr. N is the prez of our HOA and I told him, "We need to decorate the entrance signs" and we got to work.  Looks good  at both enterence's  of the complex.  
For the past several months I kept thinking of Christmas with a bit of sadness.  "No one will be here this year."  All the kids have made plans of their own when I'm so used to them coming to me.  Even my sister told me her winter visit will not start till after Christmas.  So I told myself "I'd not be decorating this year".  Well maybe just a wreath on the front window.
I went into the storage room and pulled out last years wreath and the poor thing was bent and looking  frumpy. 

With all the goodies I picked up at Michaels I got to work trying to revive the old wreath.
A new ribbon and a few sprigs of faux pine  did wonders.

I also think I'm not going to put lights around the eves of my house like in the past, so I put a string of 100 colorful lights on the wreath.  Looks good!

(yes those are  Hibiscus flowers you see there, "I live in Florida after all")

Well one thought and thing,  lead to another and I went in the storage room and pulled out the boxes of decorations.  Might as well make the house festive!
(My Daisy did not understand what all the stuff was in the kitchen hallway.)

Ok, now I'm going overboard. One peek into the box of Nutcrackers and I had to put a few on the bookcase.  There are so many more in the box but these few have meaning and are gifts from friends and family.

Ok, now for sure I've gone against what I said.  Cyndi gave me this really cute snowmen garland several years ago.  It had to be put out.

Boy this decorating thing sure did get out of hand.. but know what,  I'm feeling great and am into the festive mood now. 

"Egg Nog", I need to go get some Egg Nog for this evening.  I've even got a bottle of Spiced Rum.
It's going to be a good night.

Once it's dark outside this evening I'll get some photos of my Christmas lights on the window wreath.  (If I don't watch it I'll be on the ladder tomorrow putting up the icicles... ?)
The front porch so far, I had to put my little "Charley Brown" tree on the end table.  Might just go get a ceramic "Charley" to stand next to the tree. 

Think I need to put up the icicle lights? Maybe a few more poinseatia's and I'm ready.
"Let the Holidays begin"


Anyone else working hard on  their Christmas decorations on this after Thanksgiving weekend?



Have fun,  don't forget the Egg Nog!

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  1. Beautiful. You are way ahead of me.

  2. It looks lovely! I have not decorated for several years. The kids are grown and have their own families, and have to share time with their inlaws, too, of course. And here, we usually have bitterly cold weather,often with snow and ice, so not a good time to travel. But this year, I am "taking Christmas back"! I am going to decorate, very simply, but decorate. I am making a Christmas dinner, and any and all who can come are welcome to share. If there is a barrel of leftovers I will freeze them. But I am going to celebrate!!

  3. Your wreath looks so pretty! I love how you did the ribbon.

    I'm glad decorating put you in the Christmas spirit! Everything looks just beautiful.

    I know my time will come when it's just my husband and myself at the holidays. But I have a few more years before I have to really think about it.

  4. Not yet - maybe next week. I love your spirit as you go about decorating! Good for you!

  5. Hey dear Sis, looks good and thanks but I will be there on the 18th!!

  6. looks lovely!!! God I wish I could've been there..I can even smell the house from here...hhhmm....maybe next you!

  7. It looks so lovely. And, thank you for sending a package for the soldiers. I'm sure they will enjoy it immensely. I, too, have been reluctant in decorating but a few things get put here and there. Hugs.

  8. I haven't started yet, I always put it off! Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you will join us for Grandparent's link up on Saturdays and add your self to the directory too. I also have a link up on Wednesdays you can join. Let me know if you try the bun recipe as a loaf, I want to hear how that went. I love your blog and I'm a new GFC follower!

  9. Cute snowman garland. And I just adore that little Charlie tree. :)

    Blessings from OKC,

  10. Good for you for decorating! We moved to FL from So Cal 6 months ago, my boys visit but have all decided to do their school/work in CA so it's just hubby and me this Christmas. It hasn't deterred me one bit from decorating! I just love Christmas.

    Your decorations look beautiful, I love everything but I especially love your little Charlie Brown tree...adorable! I definitely need one of those for our lanai:)

  11. Your Christmas decorations look so festive! I love your Charlie Brown tree. It is so cute! I have one "sort of". I may have to hang one lonely ball on it. LOL I agree, that putting up decorations and drinking eggnog is the perfect idea to get your holidays spirits soaring.

  12. Well done you! A very attractive result.

  13. Sandy, your decorations look beautiful, especially your wreath with lights! You have put me in the Christmas spirit now! We have had some warm days in SC but soon I'll be thinking of you in Florida. Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. Have a great week!


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