

Remember November 24th is Shop Small day....

This week kicks off the unofficial holiday shopping season and marks one of the busiest weeks for small businesses.
According to the Small Business Consumer Insights Survey, released Nov. 19 by the National Federation of Independent Business, among consumers that are familiar with Small Business Saturday, 67 percent are planning to “shop small” on Nov. 24.
Shopping small generally refers to buying goods and services locally. It is part of the national Small Business Saturday campaign.
Please stay away from the large retailers on this day!

 The top five places that consumers plan to shop on Small Business Saturday are restaurants (52 percent), bakeries (35 percent), clothing stores (34 percent), gift shops (31 percent) and bookstores (29 percent).

"Remember, "Shop Small" Saturday, November 24th"

"Support your local business and all our Bloggie friends with shops on line" 

Let the shopping begin!


  1. YAY.....I'm ready...sounds like a plan to me. :))

  2. YAY.....I'm ready...sounds like a plan to me. :))

  3. Yes - this is something that we all need to do consciously.


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