

A Thanksgiving memory.....

 Thanksgiving has come once again and for the past 26 years it's been a time of sadness and thankfulness for me and my family.  
My big brother Tom passed away on Thanksgiving Day, 1986 and it left such a hole in my heart He was much too young and had so much more living to do.

 Of all the photos of my brother I think the above is the one that brings back the most memories.  Tom was always in the Fourth of July parade back in Champaign, Illinois and walked the parade route collecting for the Jaycees.  Although at the time I lived in Jersey, the kids and I always came for the parade.  You can see my Mom and my then  two young children sitting on the side line, looking on.

A tear comes to my eyes when I think of how my children have missed a lifetime of fun and love from this great guy.    They spent so much time together and were always wandering through the woods on weekends and just spending good time together.
Now all I can do is be so very thankfull to have had Tom in my life for as long as I did, but the sadness will never go away.

Sending love and a promise into the heavens to my brother "Tommy"
I'll be with you once again and  
  we can continue.
 Oh, how we all miss you!  
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I can smile when I think of all I have to be thankful for this year.  My 101 yr old mother-in-law, bless her heart.  My children and grandchildren who are the lights of my life.  For Mr. N who has been there for me through it all.  For all my friends and family who have kept me going and given me love.  For my Sister who has been there since  birth.  For the people of my future who will come to meI'm excited to meet you.
And lets not forget Dr. Walsh, the one who has kept my heart beating.
"I love you all" 

"Sending wishes to all  of you out there in Blogland"

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  1. It sooo hurts to lose your brother.Mine passed away 4 years ago this past Sept.But it still hurts.A hole in the heart is so true.But I am grateful for the memories he left me.We did get into some trouble!

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your brother. Your love for him speaks from every memory you share. That love is shared with your children, so even if he is not here, he left them a legacy in the brother/sister bond you two have.

    Lovely A posting.

  3. It is a hard time of year for many people. It's nice that you have been able to remember the good times with your brother.

  4. Holidays are such a 'mixed blessing' ~ we miss all those who have gone before and yet enjoy those present ~

    Wonderful tribute to your dear brother ~ lots of healing hugs to you and your family ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  5. A very nice memorial for brother dear Sis, nice pictures too! LOVE you dear

  6. What a beautiful post about your brother

  7. I am so sorry about your brother but what a beautiful post about him : )

  8. sigh. Holidays can be so mixed, happy and sad. ALl of them really...

  9. It's a bitter-sweet time of year for you but it sounds like you are still able to count a lovely lot of blessings!

  10. Oh, my. Bless your sweet heart.

    Holidays are certain to bring out memories of times and people past.

    Maybe that's our loved ones immortality in a sense.

    Your brother sounds like a wonderful man...I'm glad you have thought of him to help you through days like this.

    Thanks for sharing this tender little post for Alphabe-Thursday.

    Wish I could give you a hug.

    I'm sending you a cyber one along with your



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