

Transfering a design onto fabric...

Now that I have  my Holiday Decorating and Shopping pretty well finished I'm finding myself just waiting  for "the day" to arrive along with my sister who is taking several silver birds across the Atlantic to get here for her winter visit.  I thought this would be a good time to try something new.
I've always wanted to try the transfer method of putting a design on a pillow.
After trying the wax paper in my printer all I managed to do was jam it.  Then after doing a bit of research I found out I should have used parchment paper.
First I found a design then transposed it on PicMonkey, ran it through my printer and it worked! 

Not knowing how long it would be before the ink dried I quickly taped the parchment paper to my fabric then used a plastic gift card and rubbed the design into the fabric.

Wow was all I could think to myself. "It worked"


Funny thing about finding something as neat as doing a transfer  is now "I want to do more".  So I did a second pillow and although the light in the house was so bad, due to fog and no sun,  I took the photo anyway.  

 My next project will be for our new grandchild that is due in the spring.  How cute would it be to put a photo on a 'onezie' for a baby shower gift.  Since we will not know the gender of the baby until "D" day this wording seemed perfect.

 I'll have to do a post on that soon.
In the mean time let me admire my new pillows.  I need more!  Silly I know, but this one gets a gold star.
Looks great on my new slipcover. 
See how I made it Here
This will be entered to  my board on Pinterest
"I can't believe I did that"


I'll be linking up to


  1. Your pillow looks great, Sandy! I did this to some hearts I sewed. I held my breath just hoping it would work and surprised when it did.
    Farmhouse Holiday Hugs,

  2. What a neat idea! I'll put this on my list for 2013 things to do! Love the picture of the three brothers!

  3. I now so want to try a pretty transfer onto fabric and make a pillow, too! Thank you for the great tutorial--I am pinning it for inspiration after the holidays.

  4. Can you do this with an ink jet printer?

  5. Can you do this with an ink jet printer?

  6. looks lovely. Thank you for the tips too. I have been wanting to try this. Hugs

  7. Lovely pillow!! I also like the blue toile pillows you have.


  8. Neat idea Sis but how long will the ink stay on, how many washings... LOL LOVE you

  9. Thank you sooo much for sharing! I've always wondered how in the heck people did this! Now, I have to try it too! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! (HUGS) Clydia @ Three Mango Seeds


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