It's back! Vertigo.
This will be my third bout with this very nasty sensation and for the past 4 days I've been dizzy. Not 24 hours a day but only when I bend or stoop or roll over while in bed or try to walk down the stairs.
I saw my PCP Doctor two days ago and from what he tells me many people are afflicted by this. My case came on with a vengeance from my flights home last week. The second plane did a very slow decent and my inner ears started to hurt and it took me two days to hear properly. Then the vertigo hit me during the night. How the room spun when I rolled over in my sleep.
I will be going back for this treatment but they can't take me until next Friday, that is 7 days to wait! So in the mean time I'll take the meds the doctor gave me... they make me sleepy but I can walk without being afraid of falling down from being so dizzy. This means no driving, no crafting, no nothing. Even knitting bothers my head.
My plans for Fall decorating is out for another few weeks.
If it sounds like I'm whining, yes I am. This is no fun! And today is the first day of Fall and it's not raining here.
Ok,, I'll count my blessings and be grateful for what I do have and try to overlook my upcoming week of misery.
I'll not be posting for the next week or so but I'll be looking in to see what all my bloggy friends are up to and I'll be flying again in the months ahead but this time I'll take my Doctors advice and put in a really good pair of ear plugs before boarding.
It's been two weeks now and the treatment worked. I love my physical therapist, she knows her job! Who knew a bit of rolling over would move the crystals in my ears and eliminate the dizzy!
"Happy Fall Everyone"
I'm linking up to Jenny Matlocks
for the letter "V"