I'm sure many of you, like me, have in home alarm system. I wonder how many alarms actually work or deter intruders? My kitchen window is very vulnerable sitting right on my deck and anyone can come in or through it, if they really wanted to because from the outside it's so low to the deck floor. Also my potting table is right in front of the window and it just has to be moved or climbed on for someone to break the glass window.
I'm a bit nervous with alarm companies because several weeks ago there was a killing on my street. An intruder got in through the same window as all the townhomes are built the same, and shot and killed a 32 year old woman. Her mom ran from the front door at 3am, hitting the alarm as she went screaming into the street. Well the alarm did her no good at all. In fact the alarm company called the next day saying, and I quote, "We got an e from you last night about your car alarm"...
Well that really shocked me to say the least and yes, these women had a well known brand alarm company!
I feel so much better about my kitchen window as it is full of glass that will come tumbling down if anyone thought to try getting in. I have all glass objects along with shelves made from old jalousie glass I found in a trash pile. All I had to do was cut the glass to fit and used some strong twine as rope hangers.
Knowing the window frame was made of wood, I simply screwed in kitchen cup hooks to hold the twine that was made to hold the shelves. It's sorta like the macrame holders we made back in the 80's. Yes, it may swing if knocked but it works perfectly.
I know this idea is crude but I feel so much more comfortable at night knowing if anyone
wants to get into the window I will be sure to hear all the glass come crashing down into the sink. Along with it being my alarm it also acts as an attractive window decoration, don't you think?
I sure hope no one ever has an intruder in their home but it's always a good thing to be ready for anything or anyone. All the other windows and entry ways in my home are secure but this window is my only fear
If I hear the crashing of glass in the night I have my baseball bat sitting beside my bed and I'm ready to bash a few heads. Just to let you know, I've had lessons in self defense and have a mean swing.
How many of you have not only an alarm system but a system of your own?
Stay safe all!
I pray rain comes to the Midwestern States and soon!
I'm linking up to
That is a lovely window and great idea to put all the things in front of it best alarm really
A smart idea and it looks great too.
I don't have an alarm but the house is very creaky/squeaky.
Sorry to hear about the intruder. We had an alarm system installed last year after someone vandalized our pool area while we slept. We used to have a dog but have been "petless" for several years. I understand how you feel about windows that are not armed.
I love your glass window with shelving. I've been wanting one of those for a long time. Haven't gotten one yet. Looks very nice.
Great idea. It's like a booby trap. My neighbor uses thorny bushes growing outside, I like to try to think of ways to block the windows or make things tricky because we were broken into through a low window. Fun to see you using jalousie glass. The homes here, many of them, were made with zillions of jalousies. We've gotten rid of many over our days here and I still have a room that's jalousies on three sides, floor to ceiling. Now I know what to do with them when my neighbor walls his room in and gets rid of all that glass. Great idea!
I think it's a great idea...
Sandy, You are a smart one and a safer one for your creative idea! Thanks for joining TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS!
Clever idea and it looks very nice, too. Plus, it holds all your pretties. One can never be too careful when it comes to securing our homes....sad but true.
Great idea. It's scary when you think of how close that incident was in your neighborhood.
Let's see... we have outside dogs that bark at everything. Especially people they don't know.
We don't have an alarm system...and on have the basic locks...Now that we're getting older...I do think about these things.
i like this idea.
as Liz said...booby traps!
A very creative and decorative solution!
The alarm system I have is my dog and although I don't have a bat...I do have and would not think twice to use...my gun...and I do know exactly how to use it.
Love your window...I think the shelves add a pretty touch!!
Great Idea!! We switched from a well known alarm company to a private local company. The monitoring center is right in our own state and not many states away. Much happier and feel much safer. We also use a driveway monitor. You could install one on your deck if you still feel apprehensive about your window. I have one at my chicken coop to alert me at night when an unwanted guest decides to dine on my chickens.
Sandy, thank you so much for visiting my little corner of blogland.
This is not only beautiful and functional but a truly brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing it..xo HHL
That is a clever idea, and it serves your dual purpose very nicely, so well done!
cutest alarm system I've ever seen:)
Love your idea - creative, practical, and beautiful. Great job!
- The Tablescaper
I think the shelves are a great idea! And it looks nice. Well done. Thank you for sharing at TTF this week. I hope you have a fantastic week!
well done! that's a great idea!
Amiko @ Days of Eomma
That's a really cool idea. I too am skeptical about those so called high tech alarm system and how efficient it can be if an intruder really comes along.
a pretty window (and burglary deterrent as well!)
First, I am sorry for the sad loss of your neighbor. Everyone must be shaken up by this.
Second, I think your glass wall of security is brilliant. Something on that wall is going make some BIG noise should anyone decide to mess about with it! Good on you!
I don't think it's crude at all! It's quite pretty and I think it really would deter someone from trying to break in that window.
Creative AND attractive idea! :)
Smart idea. It's a horrible thing to have the sanctity of your home or ANY personal space, for that matter, violated.
Dear friend,
It looks peaceful and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
We have dogs! Your window is lovely! All the glassware is gorgeous! I am so sorry about the break in and murder! Such a tragedy! Your idea is a good one!
Have a beautiful weekend!
I think your 'home grown' alarm is a great idea. We have a yappy dog - and a gravel driveway. My husband wanted to pave the drive, but I like the fact that no one could drive or walk up to the house without making noise on the gravel.
I'm so sorry to read about the killing in your neighbourhood - terrible.
Pretty AND functional! that's a great idea. How sad about the alarm company.
glad you sleep better at night.
What a good idea to deter potential intruders and it looks great...
That is really scary to have such a tragedy take place so colse to home...
Great Job!
Anything that would make noise when someone is breaking in would be a deterrent. Smart move and pretty too. Found you on bj's "Sweet Nothings" posting on potting benches.
Love your blue one.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures.
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