There is something very stylish about an item found in every home, car, backpack and pocketbook.
It's the Umbrella.
We all have one, or two, or in my case (I think) six. Yes, I have quite a few Umbrellas tucked away in different locations ready for when the heavy rains of Florida hit.
Umbrellas have been seen in works of art.
Miss Jenny Matlock is doing her Alphabet Thursday on the letter "U"
What better letter than the one that creates the word
I know I'd be lost without mine!
When we take a day at the Beach the kiddies need protection from all those UVB rays.
I know if asked, most of us can not name the parts that hold an Umbrella together.
Look at the diagram below.
Rider Latch?
I just call it that little thingie that I push to open mine .
Who knew?.
Our Ancestors were thought to be very distinguished when walking with their Umbrella.
The famous have danced with their Umbrellas.
Hotels use Umbrellas as part of their decoration.
Love the way these light up the beach at night.
Speaking of the beach, this is where I could while away an entire afternoon.
Under my "White Umbrella"
Lets not forget the "Umbrella Drink".
In more modern times an Umbrella graces flavored drinks that are used to cool the senses and calm our nerves. Think the tiny Umbrella might keep our ice from melting?
Ahhhhh, so nice!
I'm linking up to Jennys
Oh how fun, and pretty photos to see! I like the umbrella lights very much.
I have two umbrellas, one in my golf bag and one in my truck. Here in the desert, we don't need them as much as you do in Florida. I remember having several when I lived there and using them almost daily!
Hi Sandy,
Oh, this is an easy question! I have two umbrellas - one in my vehicle and one in the house. I sure don't have anything fancy like in your photo. Right now I would like a little umbrella in my drink :-) Enjoy the rest of your week.
Would sure like to be sitting under the lovely white beach umbrella and have someone hand me an umbrella drink!
Cute post!!
In the old south, men carried unbrellas, but women carried parasols. Here in Tucson, umbrellas are not found in abundance, but I still have one in my car--just in case.
One....the desert doesn't see much wet stuff. Oh wait, I just ordered a 9ft one for the backyard. So two:) Love the pictures here...
Singin the Rain is one of my favorite movies. I used to think it was dignified looking to carry an umbrella and would fancy a fancy-looking one. Until a family friend was struck by lighting. Now I never use one.
Fabulous post! I have to admit I didn't know the names for parts of an umbrella. Happy Alphabe Thursday!
What a wonderful fun post!
Oh my I can't count how many I have. Awesome post you have here. Thanks!
Letter U
Fantastic post about umbrellas. Lets not forget that an unbrella was used in a murder.
Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday for the first time.
What a great post, I have about 5 umbrellas, to match different coats.
We have several umbrellas but not very fashionable, I'm afraid. They are black!
I get systemic reactions to the sun, so umbrellas protect me from both rain and shine!
I love watching Gene Kelly sing and dance in the rain with an umbrella.
I love watching Gene Kelly sing and dance in the rain with an umbrella.
Delightful♫♪ Alas, most of my umbrellas have broken Arm Mainshafts!
I have several umbrellas if you call a parasol an umbrella too:) Great U-word!
the umbrellas at the beach are my favorites! So stylish! {:-Deb
Good choice for the letter U! My umbrellas are all throw aways from the dollar store. That way I don't feel bad when I lose one. They don't hold up very well in the wind though.
Unfortunately living in AZ I don't get to Use Umbrellas very often but I still have them hidden in closets...
I love the ones that they have to light Up the beach at night, they are so Unique...
Great post for the letter "U"!
Thanks for linking.
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